David Buck

Thiel College

RaShelle Peck

Borough of Manhattan Community College of The City University of New York 

Steven E. B. Lechner

North Carolina State University 

ThuyAnh T. Nguyen

Asian Languages and Cultures 

University of Michigan

Humanists for a Better Future is a podcast specializing in critical exploration of the humanities within and beyond academia. The topics covered range from the perceived crisis of the humanities in higher education to the opportunities for humanists to engage in public facing projects. ThuyAnh Nguyen, a Lecturer in the University of Michigan’s Asian Languages and Cultures Department, RaShelle Peck, an Assistant Professor in the Race and Ethnic Studies Department at the Borough of Manhattan Community College in the CUNY system, David Buck, a Professor of History at Thiel College, and Steven Lechner, an Assistant Teaching Professor in North Carolina State University’s History Department bring their unique personal, professional, and institutional perspectives to these rich and lively discussions. Whether you are a fellow academic, an advocate for the humanities, or someone who appreciates sophisticated dialogue on timely issues. Humanists for a Better Future is the podcast for you.