
Analysis of Cybercriminal misuse of trending topics on the Internet

Data was gathered from the Twitter trends search on Google, Twitter trend search on Bing, Google trend search on Google, Google trend search on Bing. This data was stored and passed to VirusTotal to determine which of the URLs were malicious and which ones were not.

Test data is represented by green dots whereas the model prediction is represented by the Polynomial Curve Fitting Regression line in red

Machine Learning Project - Federal Budget Deficit Data Modelling using Polynomial Curve Fitting Regression

Applied polynomial curve fitting for regression on a data set of the federal budget deficit. Used scikit-learn and NumPy for normalization and mathematical computations. Performed cross-validation to select the model and applied it to the test data.

Detecting Cryptojacking JavaScript through Binary Visualization with Convolutional Neural Networks

With the rise in popularity of cryptocurrency, crypto-mining has become an ideal form of making digital currency that can be used to buy goods and services. Crypto-mining is defined as “the process of generating crypto-currency through the use of computational power to solve complex equations as proof-of-work.” One instance of crypto-mining can be carried out with JavaScript-based programs that are embedded in a website’s code so that any visitors of the site can provide part of their processing power to mine this type of currency. This is beneficial considering that crypto mining requires an abundant amount of processing power. Alas, it has also led to crypto-jacking where a target's machine is infected with mining malware with neither consent nor knowledge. Hence, the organizations must come up with ways to ensure that they can spot the signs and shut down the miners’ illegal actions if they don't want to suffer overtaxed networks and angry customers. This paper will explore a potential solution for detecting such malicious code through binary visualization with Convolutional Neural Networks. The datasets of benign and malicious javascript codes were converted into color images using Hilbert and Entropy visualization techniques. It enabled us to train and test our CNN models to detect whether our binary image is benign or malicious. We were able to achieve 95.3% accuracy using AlexNet with Hilbert technique.

Data Visualization Portal

Connected Agriculture Platform

I embarked on a disruptive journey at Inbox Business Technology (Pakistan’s largest local System Integrator) with a project focusing on the empowerment of smallholding farmers through financial and digital inclusion. Farmers in the Punjab province of Pakistan were provided free-of-cost mobile phones with inbuilt applications. The suite of mobile applications enabled farmers to purchase agricultural inputs such as pesticides and fertilizers at subsidized rates through a digital marketplace, get comprehensive consultancy services through farmer helpline and chat mechanisms, apply for micro-loans via integrated mobile wallets.

I was involved in the design and implementation of the cloud architecture and infrastructure building for huge amounts of data collection and analysis. I also designed the architecture of NGINX- based webservers, load balancers, and databases on the cloud with dynamic DNS using AWS Route 53 to handle up to 10k simultaneous user sessions.

Active and Backup VNFs - Scaling Automation based on Resource Utilization

Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) Automation Platform

I wrote Python scripts for automated deployment of Brocade Virtual Evolved Packet Core on OpenStack in High Availability fashion. These scripts were able to cater to the requirements of distinct instance types in the application performing pre and post-sanity checks. These sanity checks involved network, ports, security and compute resource, base configuration tests. If the required images were not available, the script had the capability to create the required images using the OpenStack Glance service.

The impact was that these scripts massively improved the production time of deployment for the Virtual Network Functions and, provided scale-up and scale-down capability with changing user load. Based on these scripts, I devised an Ansible based automation engine to work for different types of VNFs such as Clearwater IMS, etc.