Ode to the  Bowman Clock

By Lacey Kirchen

Your face taunts me.

I know that it lies. 

I was told that it lies, 

I’ve witnessed it. 

Yet, still, I forget. 

Why do I let you treat me this way?

You’re always there taunting me, 

tricking me,

making me believe falsehoods.

I’ve known you for over 2 years, though we weren’t always in touch...

Have you always been this way?

I’ve never seen you be anything but wrong,

But maybe--

Maybe I’m just focusing on the negative.

Could we manage to fundraise the $10 it would take to fix you?

Do you resent being told you need to be fixed?

After all, you are correct twice a day. I guess it’s better than never being correct…

Is that enough for you?

It’s not enough for me.