Advisory Council (2022-2023)

Katie Boensch (She/Hers) 

AC Role: Treasurer

What is your Major? 


What is your class standing? 


What made you want to return to GSP for a 3rd year? 

The community! The friends you build and the experiences that I have had throughout my years at GSP have made my college experience so much better and I couldn't imagine what my college life would be like without GSP!

What was your favorite moment in GSP community since you joined?

Any chai chatter! Chai chatter is such a fun time with other GSP and non-GSP members where we get to hang out and enjoy each other's company, eat good food and drink amazing chai! I try to go as often as I can :)

If you could have known one thing about GSP before you joined, what would it be?

Don't be afraid to get involved and go to events! It seems daunting at first but it is so worth it to dive in and start making connections right from the start!

Kassandra Martinez (she/her)

AC Role: President

What is your Major? 

International Studies

What is your class standing? 


What made you want to return to GSP for a 3rd year? 

I've really enjoyed engaging with the community the past two years, so I wanted to come back to continue enjoying this community with my friends, as well as with new members.

What was your favorite moment in GSP community since you joined?

I really enjoyed being a Collaborative Group facilitator last year because it gave me the opportunity to connect with 1st year GSP students in a way I would not have been able to otherwise.

If you could have known one thing about GSP before you joined, what would it be?

That GSP extends beyond building community. I've developed professionally in many ways, too.