Gap Year Opportunities

Magda Wojtara

Welcome GSPeeps! This is a living resource that is intended to serve as a resource and a preliminary guide for Gap Year opportunities. Our hope is that this resource will eventually also  include the contact information of GSP alumni that have experienced these programs and are willing to advise current GSP students for their applications. 

**Please note that the inclusion of a specified sample program or resource does not indicate the endorsement of the Global Scholars Program. **

Online Opportunities

Recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to have lasting impacts on many countries for years to come, below you will be able to find some online opportunities that do not require any travel.

Teaching English 

Brief Description: There are many programs that pair native or bilingual fluency English speakers with students and/or adult learners. 

Compensation: $15-30/hr 

Requirements: TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Certification with a minimum training of 120-150 hours before beginning to teach abroad

Costs: $1200-1800 for accredited TEFL Certification

Sample Programs: and 


Brief Description: There are many internship programs available in the US but also abroad that vary based on field of study. Based on your major and interests, it will be helpful to do a broad search on “Handshake” which is a University of Michigan free resource! 

Compensation: Three Formats: 1) Unpaid 2) Paid- Hourly 3) Paid-Stipend Based  

Requirements: Typically a minimum time duration of 3 months ; Required or Preferred Skills as Indicated on Forms 

Costs: N/A (a credible internship program will not have you pay them to intern) 

Sample Database:  

In-Person Gap Year Association Accredited Programs

Broad Futures

Brief Description: BroadFutures' mission is to advance the inherent potential of young adults with learning disabilities in the workforce through partnerships that foster independence, self-advocacy and successful employment.

Requirements: Following training, interns are placed into paid positions throughout the Washington, DC metro area, working a minimum of 20 hours per week for 2 to 3 months. Our employers include a wide range of industries and organizations.

Costs: $5,000 

Organization Website:


Brief Description: Founded in 1947, CIEE is the country's oldest and largest nonprofit study abroad and intercultural exchange organization.Our high quality programs increase our students' global understanding, intercultural knowledge, and independence. We provide participants with skills, competencies, and experiences that elevate their ability to contribute positively to our global community.

Requirements: Application Based

Costs: Vary ; Scholarships Available 

Organization Website: 

Irish Gap Year

Brief Description: At Irish Gap Year our mission is to develop more self-aware, independent, confident and resilient young people. We achieve this transformative experience through the values of community integration, immersion in nature, exploration of the arts and creativity, meaningful travel, volunteering and cultural exchange.

Requirements: Application Based

Costs: Vary ; Scholarships Available 

Organization Website:

Rising Earth Immersion- Eco-Institute

Brief Description: The Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain is a learning community, Earth sanctuary, and permaculture farm located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Their residential program for young adults called "The Rising Earth Immersion" is a 10-week semester for young adults between the ages of 18-28 who are concerned about our world's changing climate. Students live in a community on the organic farm, learning practical skills needed to build a sustainable and just future for all people and the planet.

Requirements: Application Based

Costs: Vary ; Scholarships Available 

Organization Website:


Brief Description: Established in 1998, Sea|mester offers unique educational voyages where gap year and university students spend an entire semester at sea, sailing between countries and continents. Coupling accredited academics with real-world application, Sea|mester's goal is to provide an immersive learning experience, engaging students in ways that are impossible to replicate in the traditional classroom. Voyages include up to 12 college credits in Marine, Ocean, and Nautical Sciences from the University of South Florida in addition to multiple sailing and scuba diving certifications through International Yacht Training and the Professional Association of Diving Instructors.

Requirements: Application Based

Costs: Vary ; Scholarships Available 

Organization Website:

School of the New York Times 

Brief Description: The School of the New York Times focuses on cultivating insightful individuals who care about the ideas and stories that shape our world. The gap year program is for high school graduates seeking a transformative intellectual adventure before they go to college or pursue a future career path. During the program, students interact with some of the world’s  leading thinkers who are covering the important issues of our time across global affairs, politics, finance & economics, science & technology, arts & humanities, and more. With New York City as their classroom, gap year students emerge with an expanded worldview, a sharp sense of perspective on a wide range of topics, and strong critical thinking and communication skills that will prepare them for college, career and lifelong success.

Requirements: Application Based

Costs: Vary ; Scholarships Available 

Organization Website:


Brief Description: Since 1968 InterExchange has facilitated meaningful and affordable intercultural experiences. Students can embark on Au Pair and Language Homestay programs in Australia, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Spain where they live with a host family as a childcare provider or tutor. Students can otherwise join a Work & Travel program with more self-structured opportunities to explore the host country while earning income through seasonal jobs in Australia, Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand. The American Summer Exchange program helps students explore and work in a new part of the USA alongside participants from diverse countries. Sustainable Action Costa Rica is a chance to learn about the country's renowned commitment to conservation through site visits and fun outdoor activities. InterExchange is largely focused on helping students and recent graduates develop the skills employers demand in the 21st century through transformative work, volunteer, and experiential education.

Requirements: Application Based

Costs: Vary ; Scholarships Available 

Organization Website:

Prestigious Scholar Programs

Scholarships & Fellowships

Truman Scholarship 

Brief Description: Founded in 1975 as a living memorial to our thirty-third President, the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation provides up to $30,000 for the graduate education and professional development of outstanding young people committed to public service leadership.  Students apply in their third undergraduate year and should have an outstanding record of public service activities and leadership.  The Foundation is bipartisan and defines public service broadly as working for the common good.  Students in a wide variety of academic fields are encouraged to apply.

Requirements: Junior-level academic standing or third-year senior.

Includes: $30,000 

Udall Scholarship

Brief Description: Honoring the legacy of U.S. Representative Morris Udall and Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall, the Udall Foundation awards $7,000 scholarships to college sophomores and juniors for leadership, public service, and commitment to issues related to American Indian nations or to the environment.  Udall Scholars attend a 4-day orientation in Tucson, Arizona and gain access to the Udall Alumni Network, an association of environmental and tribal leaders sharing innovative ideas, professional advice, and job and internship opportunities.  Undergraduates may apply in one of three areas: environment, tribal policy, and native health care.

Requirements: Sophomore or Junior ; U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident at time of application.  Applicants for the tribal policy or health care scholarships must be of native heritage (see the Udall website for details on eligibility)

Includes: $7,000 

Beinecke Scholarship

Brief Description: The Beinecke Scholarship Program was established in 1971 by the Board of Directors of The Sperry and Hutchinson Company to honor Edwin, Frederick, and Walter Beinecke. The program seeks to encourage and enable highly motivated students to pursue opportunities available to them and to be courageous in the selection of a graduate course of study in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Each scholar receives $4,000 immediately prior to entering graduate school and an additional $30,000 while attending graduate school.

There are no geographic restrictions on the use of the scholarship, and recipients are allowed to supplement the award with other scholarships, assistantships, and research grants. Scholars must utilize all of the funding within five years of completion of undergraduate studies.

Requirements: Junior ; 3.8 GPA ; Plan to enter a Master’s or doctoral program in the arts, humanities, or social sciences ; Have a documented history of receiving need-based financial aid.

Includes: $34,000

P.D Soros Fellowship 

Brief Description: The P.D. Soros Fellowship for New Americans supports thirty new Americans, immigrants or the children of immigrants, who are pursuing graduate school in the United States. Each fellowship supports up to two years of graduate study in the United States


Includes: up to $90,000


Gaither Junior Fellows Program 

Brief Description: Each year, through the James C. Gaither Junior Fellows program, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace offers approximately 12 one-year fellowships to uniquely qualified graduating seniors and individuals who have graduated during the past academic year. They are selected from a pool of nominees nominated by several hundred participating universities and colleges. James C. Gaither Junior Fellows work as research assistants to Carnegie’s senior scholars. Please see your school’s nominating official to learn more about the college application process and please see our FAQ for eligibility requirements.


Includes: $37,000 (+ Salary Benefits) 


Chevening Scholarship 

Brief Description: The Chevening Scholarships are the UK Government’s international awards scheme aimed at developing global leaders. The scholarships allow students from over 160 countries and territories to undertake postgraduate study in universities in the UK. Selection criteria include academic excellence and the "personal, intellectual, and interpersonal qualities necessary for leadership."


Skoll Scholarship 

Brief Description: There are many benefits to being a Skoll Scholar; being part of a global community of change leaders as well as studying your MBA in one of the most prestigious institutions in the world.


Schwarzman Scholarship

Brief Description: Designed to prepare the next generation of global leaders, Schwarzman Scholars will give the world’s best and brightest students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and professional networks through a year-long, fully-funded program.  Schwarzman Scholars will complete a combination of leadership and global affairs coursework, experiential learning projects (deep dives with Chinese industry, an 11-month individual capstone), and will be mentored by leaders in government and industry.  Scholars will receive a Master’s Degree in Global Affairs from Tsinghua University in Beijing – one of China’s most prestigious universities.


Goldwater Scholarship

Brief Description: The purpose of the Foundation is to provide support for highly qualified STEM students who plan to pursue a PhD and research career in these fields.  The scholarship provides $7500 in support for the junior and/or senior year of undergraduate study. (Students apply in sophomore or junior year.)  Goldwater Scholars usually go on to top PhD programs that are highly competitive for graduate funding such as NSF Graduate Research Fellowships.  The scholarship is for students planning research careers.  Students planning to pursue an MD only and conduct clinical research are not eligible, but those planning to pursue an MD-PhD and  career in biomedical science research are eligible.


Boren Scholarship 

Brief Description: Boren Scholars and Fellows study a wide range of critical languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, and Swahili. Boren Awards are available to students of all proficiency levels who are committed to enhancing their skills. Boren Scholars and Fellows from diverse fields of study immerse themselves in the cultures in world regions underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
