Former GSP Blog Teams

Karson Schenk is a Junior studying Art, Design and Sustainability. Her interests lie in Art, animal conservation, sustainable production/consumption and sustainable architecture. She is also interested in the role of art as a form of activism for change. Her medium of choice is Paper Collage, and you can check out her work at or @karsonart on instagram. Karson is on the UM Fencing team, loves to travel, try new foods, and get out of her comfort zone. She is currently studying abroad in San Jose, Costa Rica in W2020. Ask her about it!!! - 

Gurpreet Multani is a junior majoring in Economics with a concentration in Finance. He was born in New Delhi, India, grew up in New York City, and is from Grand Rapids, MI. His hobbies include playing badminton, playing video games, and watching anime. He joined GSP because he wanted to be involved in a tight knit community. He joined the GSP blog team because he had never been involved in a group before related to website design and discussion. Email him at!

Isabella is a junior studying cognitive science with a minor in Ukrainian language and culture. In her free time she enjoys art and design, and is a member of taekwondo club. Isabella decided to join GSP this year, as she was looking for a diverse and welcoming community which shares her interest in global impact. She decided to join the blog team because she looks forward to getting more involved on campus and in the GSP community, and to flex her writing skills! Email her at!