Pfizer, one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, announced last Monday that their coronavirus vaccine was 90% effective in preventing the virus in individuals without prior infection. The FDA has yet to approve this new vaccine and this process will take some time due to regulations and formalities. The main objective now is to efficiently store vials of the vaccine as they require extremely cold temperatures to remain optimal. The vaccine is being manufactured in Kalamazoo, Michigan where Pfizer has its largest manufacturing plant.

Analysts are assuming an 80% uptake of the vaccine by high-risk adults and the elderly and 50% uptake for low-risk adults. SVB Leerink, a capital marketing company in Boston, is hypothesizing that the vaccine will cost $30 per dose in the U.S and $23 per dose overseas. This will generate billions of dollars’ worth of revenue for Pfizer and push for more scientific breakthroughs in the future. 80% of the first batch of doses has already been sold to the richest countries such as the UK, Japan, and other countries in the European Union. Pfizer says it will produce 1.3 billion doses of the vaccine by the end of 2021.


  • Gurpreet 11/25/2020