Covid-19 Cheat Sheet

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it can be hard to keep motivated. Here are some tips and suggestions that may help everyone cope with whatever lockdown situation they may be in.

Stay Safe:

  1. Wear a mask whenever you go out. Make sure it fits properly and meets proper standards. Keep at least six feet of distance between yourself and others to further reduce the risk of infection.

  2. Wash your hands often, especially after you’ve gone out. Virus particles can hang onto and live on your skin long after you’ve isolated.

  3. Get tested regularly. Sign up for UM’s Community Sampling and Tracking Program here:

  4. There are new variants of COVID-19 spreading now, some of which are more virulent and may be more deadly. Keep informed on which variants are present in your community.

  5. Get vaccinated when it becomes available to you. Even though the vaccine only provides immunity to one strain of COVID-19, it may still provide reduced risk of severe symptoms from other strains.

Stay Motivated:

  1. Try different methods to keep yourself on track. Set manageable goals, take breaks when you need, and get help when you need it. Find a method that works for you for organization such as a planner or sticky notes.

  2. If you need academic support, here are some resources that can help you:

Sweetland Writing Center:

Science Learning Center:

Math Learning Center (Math Lab):

Engineering Center for Academic Success:

  1. Find a new hobby or activity to help you relax and take your mind off everything, whether its video games or baking.

  2. We may be distanced, but try to keep in touch with your friends and family when you can. Being able to talk to somebody can often help reduce stress and ease loneliness.

Stay Healthy:

  1. Remember to eat healthy and get in some form of exercise when you can, even if it’s just walking for a few minutes. Taking care of your body will help with recovery if you get sick, and help you feel better overall.

  2. Mental health is important, and constant work and isolation don’t really help. If you feel like you need help, don’t wait. University of Michigan has a variety of resources provided by the school and students, as well as links to local and national resources for mental health:

CAPS ( provides free services to students

including but not limited to :

Short-term counseling for students and couples.

24-hour phone support

Screening for common mental health concerns
