Fundamental Optical Processes in Semiconductors (FOPS)

Welcome to the Fundamental Optical Processes in Semiconductors (FOPS) Conferences

About This Site

This website provides an overview of information for all the FOPS Conferences.  The next FOPS conference is planned for the summer of 2026. It will be organized by Parag Deotare (University of Michigan) and Alan Bristow (University of West Virginia).

About the FOPS Conferences

Fundamental optical processes in semiconductors are of central importance for both basic science and applications. The field provides the foundation for all of semiconductor optoelectronics and photonics. As such, it encompasses enabling technologies for future generation devices; advances in technology, materials growth, and measurement techniques continue to stimulate great activity in the field. In addition, many issues of considerable general interest in contemporary optical physics. The format of FOPS meetings is by design unusual, but is similar to the well known Gordon conferences. Specifically, all talks are invited, and contributed papers are given in posters. The talks are limited to 25 minutes, and there will be additional time for general discussions. Meals including breakfast and lunch are communal, and FOPS meetings are held in locations noted for their beauty and, apart from nature, lack of distractions. This format is intended to foster debate and a broad discussion of future directions as well as current results.