Completed Studies

Social Networks for Natural Resource Management

This work aims to understand how governance networks coalesce around natural environmental management challenges and the implications of network structure for capacity to adapt to environmental change.

Funding sources:

USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. Social Networks for Natural Resource Management, 2016-2021.

SEAS Themes Funding Program. Western Forest Initiative. PI with Steve Yaffee, Julia Wondolleck, Stellas Cousins, Richard Norton, Gretchen Keppel-Aleks, and Nils Christopherson.

Landscape-Scale Management among Private Forest Owners

The goal of this study is to understand coordinated management of forest landscapes among private landowners to address environmental changes that occur on larger scales than the typical parcel. We are investigating factors that enable and constrain joint planning, funding and implementation of forest management actions across property boundaries.

Funding sources:

USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, McIntire Stennis project 1003473, Fostering Healthy Forests in Mixed Ownership Landscapes: Social Constraints and Opportunities for Management across Property Boundaries by Private Owners, 2014 – 2016. P.I.

USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. Private Forest Landowner Collaboration for Restoring Fire-Prone Forests in the US West, 2014 – 2018. P.I.