
I would also like to highlight some honors: 

Alice Webber Glover Fund Award, '23

"Competitive scholarship intended to provide additional financial support for students involved in actuarial sciences." 

Rackham Dissertation Fellowship, '23

"Students are selected by their program for a fellowship to further their dissertation research"

Arthur H. Copeland Memorial Award, '22

"Competitive scholarship intended to provide additional financial support for math graduate or undergraduate students"

Mathematics Department Scholarship, '20

"Among the few selected students who have distinguished themselves academically and/or as a citizen of our department."

E. E. Floyd Prize in Mathematics, '18

Distinguished as an "exceptional 3rd year student with a promising career in higher mathematics."

Raven Society, '18

Selected for the Raven Society, "the oldest and most prestigious honorary society at the University of Virginia," for contributions to the University. 

Lawn Resident, '18-'19

“Students selected to live on the Lawn enjoy the distinction earned by their unselfish service and achievement in their respective fields of activity and academics. The nature and quality of service to the University and broader local community is a major consideration in making selections. Once chosen for the Lawn, they assume an obligation to so manage their living as to enhance the general reputation and good name of the University in the eyes of the public.”