Engineering for One Planet Institutionalization at the University of Michigan-Dearborn


The EOP Institutionalization Program at the University of Michigan-Dearborn (UM-Dearborn) aims to instill the EOP vision at scale and maximize its impact through a culture of integrating sustainability into the engineering education by means of project-based learning (PBL) approaches applied to a wide range of engineering courses across all the UM-Dearborn engineering departments.

What is the EOP framework? 

The EOP Framework is a cornerstone of the EOP initiative, the first of its kind to guide coursework, teaching tools, and student experiences that define what it means to be an engineer who is equipped to protect our planet and the life it sustains. It provides faculty with a vetted menu of competencies that every graduating engineer, regardless of subdiscipline, needs to acquire to design, code, build, and implement solutions that are socially and environmentally sustainable.