
Upcoming Conferences

National Diversity in STEM Conference 2024, Oct 2024, Phoenix, AZ.

Travel Funding: UMich Department of Mathematics.

Annual SIAM Great Lakes Meeting, Oct 2024, Hammond, IN. 

Undergraduate Knot (UnKnot) Conference, Jul 2024, Seattle, WA.

Travel Funding: Seattle University UnKnot Conference travel grant.

Conferences Attended

Byrne Conference on Stochastic Analysis, Jun 2024, Ann Arbor, MI.

Centennial Meeting of Mathematical Association of America, Michigan Section, Apr 2024, Ann Arbor, MI.

Joint Mathematics Meetings 2024, Jan 2024, San Francisco, CA.

Travel Funding: NSF Grant DMS-2154258 and UMich Honors Critical Difference Grant.

National Diversity in STEM Conference, Oct 2023, Portland, OR.

Travel Funding: UMich chapter of SACNAS.

Midwest Representation Theory Conference, Mar 2023, Ann Arbor, MI.

Joint Mathematics Meetings, Jan 2023, Boston, MA.

Travel Funding: JMM Undergraduate Student Travel Grant, UMich Department of Mathematics.

Undergraduate Math Symposium, University of Illinois Chicago, Nov 2022, Chicago, IL.

Travel Funding: UMS at UIC travel grant, UMich Honors Critical Difference Grant, and Matthew Harrison-Trainor. 


Modern Mathematics Workshop, Oct 2023, Portland, OR.

Center for Educational Outreach (CEO) Workshop, Oct 2023, Ann Arbor, MI. 

CRLT Undergraduate Instructor Training Workshop, Sep 2021, Ann Arbor, MI.