Calendar 2020-2021

This year, DPW will assemble online as a reading group. Each meeting will focus on a key concept related to decolonization and racial justice, including decolonization, antiracism, abolition, restorative justice, co-liberation, and others.

FALL 2020

Meeting 1: Decolonization

30 September 2020, 7pm - 8:30pm EST

Read Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang, "Decolonization is not a Metaphor" Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education, Society 1(1, 2012): 1-40.

Please bring 1-2 quotes from the reading that you would like to discuss in more depth, as well as the page number. RSVP for the reading group here

Meeting 2: Black Studies Response to Decolonization is not a Metaphor [King and Garba Sorentino suggested by Eve Tuck's tweet here]

14 October 2020, 7pm - 8:30 EST

Aimé Césaire, Discourse on Colonialism. New York: MR, 1972, [parts i and ii], pp. 31-46

Tiffany Lethabo King, "At the Pores of the Plantation," The Black Shoals, pp. 111-140 [note King recaps her argument here]

Tapji Garba and Sara-Maria Sorentino, “Slavery is a Metaphor: A Critical Commentary on Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang’s ‘Decolonization is not a Metaphor’” in Antipode 52, Issue 3 (May 2020)

Meeting 3: Re-reading and being blown out of the texts

28 October 2020, 7pm - 8:30 EST

Please read either the King or the Garba and Sorentino, we will spend more time with these texts.

Meeting 4: Afropessimism

11 November 2020, 7pm - 8:30 EST

Wilderson III, Frank B. “The Ruse of Analogy,” in Red, White, and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms (Duke University Press, 2010), 35-53.


Meeting 5: Undermining Racial Justice

3 February 2021, 7:30–9:00pm EST

Johnson, Matthew, "Introduction" in Undermining Racial Justice: How One University Embraced Inclusion and Inequality (Cornell University Press, 2020).

Book discussion, Fall 2019 at UMich available here.

Meeting 6: Text Annotation

16 February 2021, 7-8:30 EST. RSVP here, texts here.

Meeting 7: Next steps

9 March 2021, 7 EST

Meeting 8: Plaque Annotation

31 March 2021, 7 EST

For this event please read this University Record article containing the plaque text and history of the land grant and the American City (1817 and Beyond) from Tiya Miles' the Dawn of Detroit, which you can access in the DPW texts folder here

For your reference, you can find the text of the Treaty of Fort Meigs here we call your attention to Article 16, “Grant for the education of Indian children” on p. 166.

Meeting 9: Next semester

21 April 2021, 7 EST

For reference, we're linking here to Prof. Michael Witgen's talk from 2017, "The Political Economy of Plunder."

Calendar 2019-2020

FALL 2019

November 21st, 6pm

Dr. Bethany Hughes (American Culture. UM)

"Indigenous Epistemologies"

Location: The Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR) , 1214 S. University Ave, 2nd Floor. ROOM 259

October 25th, 6 pm

Prof. Gustavo Verdesio (RLL & American Culture UM)

"Settler Colonial Manners and Us: An Undergraduate Secret Society Called Michigamua"

In the year 2000, the U of M Student of Color Association occupied the premises of a then-secret society in the style of Yale's controversial Skull and Bones, named Michigamua. Said society's members adopted fake Native American identities, sporting names such as "Flipp 'Um Back" and "White Eagle," and performed, in their headquarters (located in the Michigan Union Tower), pseudo-Native American rituals with the help of spiritually significant artifacts they managed, somehow, to acquire. We will discuss how settler-colonial manners were at play until society's activities were exposed to the general public.

Location: Silvio's


Conversations Series:

"Decolonizing the University"

CALEndar 2018-2019

Fall TERM 2018


September 25th, 6pm.

First meeting: setting the grounds for the year-long workshop.

Location: The Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR) , 1214 S. University Ave, 2nd Floor. ROOM 259

October 9th, 6 to 8 pm

A Third University is Possible by La paperson.

Location: Institute for the Humanities. 202 S. Thayer St.

November 1, 6-8pm

A Third University is Possible by La paperson.

Location: Institute for the Humanities. 202 S. Thayer St.

November 27, 6-8 pm

A Third University is Possible by La paperson

Location: Institute for the Humanities. 202 S. Thayer St.

December (TBD)

Discussion and brainstorming

Winter TERM 2019

Dr. K. Wayne Yang (UC San Diego): Decolonizing Pedagogies, System Witchcraft.

Lecture, April 9th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, at Rackham, Earl Lewis Room, 915 E. Washington Street, 3rd Floor.

The workshop , April 8th from 12:00 till 2:00 pm at the Program for Intergroup Relations (1214 S University Ave, 2nd Floor)

We ask you to RSVP for the workshop here