Current Research Pursuits

Projects related to the following are ongoing at the Affective Neuroscience and Development (Somerville) Lab.

Mapping Age-Related Changes in Reinforcement Learning Strategy Use

Examining Cognitive Mechanisms Underpinning the Neurodevelopment of Delay Discounting Behavior

Characterizing Age Differences in Learning the Value of Cognitive Effort

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Projects related to the following are ongoing at the Hartley Lab.

Age-Related Change in Model-Free and Model-Based Learning

Neurodevelopment of Reward-Motivated Memory Processes

Age-Related Change in Multi-Step Planning Abilities

Effect of Previous Reward on Future Learning and Decision-Making

Relationship Between Intertemporal Choice and Model-Based Planning

Select Past Research Topics

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Neural Correlates of Inhibitory Control in Adolescents Displaying Symptoms of Food Addiction

I completed this work at the University of Michigan as my Neuroscience Honors thesis project, under the mentorship of Dr. Jillian Hardee.

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Verb Acquisition and Native Use of Syntactic Structures

At the Language Learning Lab, I worked on citizen science projects that investigated how semantics are related to syntactic frames, as well as the development of different verb classes in children. All of these studies were under the mentorship of Dr. Joshua Hartshorne.

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Cell Phone Dependence and Socialization in Undergraduate Students

I investigated digital devices and their impact on interpersonal communication and behavior at the University of Michigan as my Cognitive Science thesis project, under the mentorship of Dr. Daniel Kruger.