Brand Fonts

Michigan Medicine Fonts & Typography

Many of the audiences we communicate with interact with our organization in a number of ways. Using fonts consistently across our materials contributes to a sense of familiarity and helps our audiences see us as an integrated organization vs. a fragmented collection of programs and teams.

Michigan Medicine’s recommended brand fonts have been chosen both to complement University of Michigan brand fonts, and to ensure users across the enterprise have access to our signature fonts without additional fees and licensing costs.

What You Will Find on This Page

Below is a list of resources about what fonts to use, how to access them and tips on how to use them.

If you have any feedback, please let us know:

Primary Fonts - Royalty Free

The fonts listed below are readily available for free activation and unlimited use in University projects by all University of Michigan faculty, staff, and students, through U-M Adobe Creative Cloud and U-M Google Apps for Education.

IBM Plex Family

Download: Google Fonts | Adobe Fonts

Includes 4 styles:





Each style available in 7 weights, in regular and italic orientations:

  • Extra Light / Extra Light Italic

  • Light / Light Italic

  • Thin / Thin Italic

  • Regular / Italic

  • Medium / Medium Italic

  • Semi Bold / Semi Bold Italic

  • Bold / Bold Italic

This versatile font family is perfect for web and social media graphics, print, presentations and informational signs. The heavier weights are perfect for headlines. The lighter weights are great for body copy and accents.

Nunito Sans

Download: Google Fonts | Adobe Fonts

Available in 7 weights, in regular and italic orientations:

  • Extra Light / Extra Light Italic

  • Light / Light Italic

  • Regular / Italic

  • Semi Bold / Semi Bold Italic

  • Bold / Bold Italic

  • Extra Bold / Extra Bold Italic

  • Black / Black Italic

This elegant, sans serif typeface is close in look and feel to Univers. Its expansive variety of weights make it a flexible choice. The lighter weights are great for body copy and accents, while the bold, extra bold and black weights give emphasized weight to headlines, video titles and display. While it is not available in a condensed style, IBM Plex Sans Condensed makes a suitable alternative when a condensed style is desired.

Secondary Fonts - Licensed Fonts

In addition to our primary fonts, we have retained the use of the Univers family of fonts for branded materials.

Univers Family

Includes multiple styles, weights and orientations:




Univers is the official primary font used in all University logos. It is also widely used as a primary font in Michigan Medicine marketing materials and internal communications (publications, presentations, social media graphics, etc.).

The Univers family is not available through Adobe Fonts Creative Cloud or Google Fonts, and is only available by purchasing a separate license for your program or unit.

Typography Tips

Univers, Nunito Sans and the IBM Plex fonts can be used in a project alone, or sparingly combined to create a unique look that should fit seamlessly into the University of Michigan brand guidelines.

All-Caps Headers

Because the human eye is more accustomed to reading lowercase text, all-caps should be used sparingly and is best suited for short headings or subheadings.

Left Justify

Left align body copy whenever possible. Left-aligned copy is the easiest for our eyes to follow and therefore makes copy easier to read.


When you need icons for branded materials, we recommend starting with the Google material design icons.

Google provides a set of 750 icons designed under "material design guidelines" and these are known as Material Design icons. These icons are simple and they support all modern web browsers. Since these icons are vector based, they are scalable as well. To use these icons, download the font library here.