
In Current Rotation

English/WGS 215 (Great Women Writers) Great Women Writers: Into the World

English 290 (Special Topics) Read for Yourself: Venturing the Market in Literature

English 293 (Great Works Mini Courses) The Handmaid's Tale in Time and A Brief Survey of Short Fiction in the Long 20th Century

English 305 (Critical Readings, formerly 298 Intro to Lit Study) A Traveler's Guide to Literary Study

English 315 (Women and Literature) The Women Who ROARED: Modernism and Gendered LIfe 1900-1950

English 398 (Upper Level Writing Requirement) Time with Ishiguro; or, Write What You Know While Learning with Writing

English 415, English 464 (Women and Literature, Studies in Major Authors) Making Virginia Woolf

English 463 (Modern Anglophone Literatures) Elsewhere & Abroad and Magnetic North

Graduate seminars in modernism and modern literature