

Sessions take place in the Tauber Colloquium, 6th floor, Michigan Ross School of Business

Thursday, March 5th

1:30 pm Registration Opens

2:00 – 3:00 pm: Welcome & Opening Keynote

Welcome from Nancy McGaw, Aspen Business & Society Program, and Jerry Davis, Associate Dean for Business+Impact at Michigan Ross School of Business

Ach Adhvaryu and Anant Nyshadham, co-founders of Good Business Lab, and Gail Gershon from the Gap Foundation share their formula for using research to find a common ground between worker wellbeing and business interests

Livestream Link:

3:00 – 3:15 pm: Break

3:15 – 4:15 pm: Break Out Sessions

What are the big problems you are wrestling with now? How can research help guide the best path forward? Small mixed groups of academics and practitioners brainstorm about the compelling questions they are wrestling with in their work/ problems they are trying to solve, as well as questions that have animated their research.

4:15 – 4:30 pm: Break

4:30 – 5:30 pm: Plenary

Andrew Hoffman, Holcim Professor of Sustainable Enterprise, and Neil Hawkins, President of the Erb Family Foundation and former Chief Sustainability Officer of Dow, share how research and practice can connect most effectively, drawing on participant input

Livestream Link:

5:30 – 6:30 pm: Cocktails

6:30 – 8:00 pm: Dinner & Keynote Panel (WATCH VIDEO RECORDING)

"What's next in the gig economy: how Uberization is changing the way you will think about how you work"

"Uberization" is re-shaping labor markets around the world, creating greater convenience for consumers but greater precarity for workers. What does the latest research tell us about how to take on this dilemma? What new business opportunities are being created?

Mike Bishop, former US Congressional Representative and co-president, IPSE.US (The Association of Independent Workers); Lindsey Cameron, Professor of Management, Wharton School; Carrie Leana, Professor of Management, University of Pittsburgh; Azariah Lehman, Chief Administrative Officer, iWorker Innovations

Livestream Link (begins at 7pm):

Friday, March 6th

8:00 am: Breakfast

8:45 – 9:45 am: Plenary

"What's next in talent: intrapreneurship, employee activism, and the new deal at work"

Social intrapreneurs have become a movement in the corporate world, using the platform of business to help solve complex and often systematic social problems. More recently, employees in tech and beyond are joining together to pressure their companies to take on more overtly political agendas. Why is this happening now, and what comes next? What can companies do to navigate this fraught terrain?

Megan Burritt, founder and owner, Dot's Markets, and First Mover; Kevin Thompson, General Manager, GOOD Worldwide, and First Mover; Jerry Davis, Associate Dean for Business+Impact at Michigan Ross

Livestream Link:

9:45 – 10:00 am: Break

10:00 – 11:00 am: Choose Your Own Adventure Breakout Sessions

In these sessions, award-winning researchers are paired with business executives to lead dialogues on pressing problems and evidence-based solutions

Sustainable Supply Chains: Katrijn Gielens (U of North Carolina); Axel Lundstrom (Danone) - Some suppliers are more effective than others at meeting (or resisting) demands from big buyers. Find out why. Classroom R0320. Livestream Link:

Precarious Labor: Carrie Leana (U of Pittsburgh); Abigail Carlton (Indeed) - Precarious wages strain people’s souls and also put organizations at risk. Evidence from the trucking industry, healthcare, and elsewhere. Classroom R0420. Livestream Link:

Finance for Good: Emmanuel Kypraios (Maynooth U); Bali Kumar (Lean & Green Michigan) - The models that underlie "catastrophe bonds" are surprisingly bad at predicting the financial consequences of extreme events. What lessons does this provide for using finance to achieve social goods? Classroom R2310. Livestream Link:

11:00 – 11:30 am: Break

11:30 – 12:30 pm: Choose Your Own Adventure Breakout Sessions

In these sessions, award-winning researchers are paired with business executives to lead dialogues on pressing problems and evidence-based solutions

Lean Production and Labor: Gregory Distelhorst (U of Toronto); Hamlin Metzger (Best Buy) - Does implementing lean production also improve things for labor? Some yes, some no. Classroom R0320. Livestream Link:

Gigs and Better Jobs: Lindsey Cameron (Wharton School, U of Pennsylvania); Hao Dinh (Electrolux) - The gig economy, a labor market that relies on algorithms to facilitate short-term work assignments, has changed how we think of work. In this session, we will discuss some of the benefits and challenges of being a gig worker -- namely, what makes this a "good bad" job. Classroom R0420. Livestream Link:

Reducing your Carbon Footprint: John Byrd (U of Colorado, Denver); Bill Hall (Hall Partners LLC) - Internal carbon pricing by corporations: evidence about how companies are using financial tools to prepare for climate change. Classroom R2310. Livestream Link:

12:30 – 1:30 pm: Lunch & Keynote (WATCH VIDEO RECORDING)

"Reimagining the US Organ Transplantation System"

How do you increase the supply of organs and tissues for transplantation without using money or imposing an opt-out system? (Hint: by using Nudge videos to increase consent rate from legal next-of-kin). How do you reduce geographic inequity? (Hint: by using private jets and having insurance pay for it).

Sridhar Tayur (Carnegie Mellon University; founder, OrganJet) shares his experience in using research to transform the organ transplant industry.

Livestream Link:

1:45 – 2:45 pm: Plenary (WATCH VIDEO RECORDINGS HERE and HERE)

"What's next in China: doing business in China during turbulent times"

The ongoing trade war has created uncertainty about the potential risks and opportunities of doing business in China. What are leading companies experiencing, and what can the latest research tell us about what comes next?

Doug Guthrie, Apple; Christopher Marquis, SC Johnson Professor of Management, Cornell University; Xun (Brian) Wu, Professor of Strategy, Michigan Ross

Livestream Link:

2:45 – 3:00 pm: Final Reflections & Goodbyes

Livestream Link:

3:15 pm: [Optional] Tour the Michigan Ross +Impact Studio

The +Impact Studio is a collaboration space and an educational community passionate about design for impact. It serves as a campus hub for design and impact. It also engages with community organizations and companies which seek to apply faculty insights and design tools to advance their impact. Throughout the year, the +Impact Studio hosts interactive workshops, charrettes, design jams, and guest speakers.