PhD Candidate | School of Information |  Science, Technology, and Society Program | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Image: Linda Huber

Hello! I am a PhD candidate at the School of Information and the Science, Technology, and Society program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 

I study how data-driven technologies regulate long food supply chains and subsequently impact food production and distribution practices. My work is informed by and contributes to the fields of Postcolonial and Feminist Science and Technology Studies, Ethnography of Computing and Agriculture, and Critical Cultural Studies.

At the School of Information, I am co-advised by Silvia Lindtner and Patricia Garcia. I am affiliated with the Centre for Ethics, Computing and Society, the tech.culture.matters research collective, and the Culturally Responsive Computing research lab. 

Prior to my PhD, I was a Commonwealth Scholar at SOAS (University of London) where I completed my MA in Global Digital Cultures. I have worked closely with Dr Elisa Oreglia as a research assistant at the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London. In the past, I have managed collaborative projects with feminist human rights organizations in India exploring ICT use for Sexuality and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights related information dissemination in communities with low Internet access.  

I can be reached at:

Email:  anubha[at]umich[dot]edu

Twitter: @AnubhaUsha