
Steps to follow for participation in the congress:

1. Completing the registration form.

2. Payment of the participation fee, depending on the chosen package.



• Title:

      The title should be concise, specific, and relevant.

      It should state whether the material reports on clinical studies (human or animal) or is a systematic review, meta-analysis, descriptive study or in vitro study

        Please use keywords and verbs in the title that are relevant to the study to make it more attractive to the reader.

        Please do not include abbreviated forms of words or shortened titles.

      The title will be edited using a font size of 14, the authors font size 12, both with line spacing at 1.15.

Author list and affiliation:

The full first and last names of the authors must be provided.

Middle name initials can be added.

The standard format used for affiliation is: complete information about the address, including city, postal code, and country.

If you are part of a Research Center, please specify the name.

One author must be designated as the corresponding author, and their email address and other details should be included at the end of the affiliation section.

• Abstract:

        The abstract should have a maximum of 250-300 words.

        The title will be edited using a font size of 11, with line spacing at 1.15

        The abstract should be structured in a single paragraph and follow the structured abstract style, but without headings:

1.  Introduction and Purpose of the Study: Place the topic in a general context and highlight the purpose of the study;

2. Methods: Briefly describe the main methods or treatments applied. Include the structure and size of the study sample and target population.

3. Results: Present a brief summary of the main results of the article;

4. Conclusion: Indicate the main conclusions or interpretations.

        The abstract should be an objective representation of the study: it should not contain results that are not presented and supported in your presentation, and it should not exaggerate the main conclusions.

• Keywords:

        Three to ten keywords significant to the subject of the study must be added after the abstract.

The keywords must be specific to the topic of the article, but known in the specialized literature to which the subject of the study belongs.