Installing the Horizon client

To use vSmith you will need to install the VMware Horizon client. You can find the download links for Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome, Android and iOS devices here, click the relevant download link for your device and install the program with all the defaults. See below for more details .  

Note: If you receive a certificate error during installation, scroll to the bottom of the page for a resolution.

Installing on Windows



Installing on Mac



Certificate error during installation

During installation of the VMware Horizon client you may be prompted to enter a server name, which should be However on some instances it may throw a certificate error similar to the one shown here. Even if you click Show Certificate and it displays that everything is good with the certificate and you "trust", your computer may still refuse to accept it.

If this happens, cancel out of adding the server during the installation process and install without one (leave the input box blank). Once the client is installed fully installed, launch it (either from the Start Menu in Windows or from Finder for Mac), and still don't add a server. 

Open Settings (from the three dots on the menu bar for Windows) or Preferences (for Mac)  and go to the Security tab. Change the setting for Certificate checking mode to Do not verify server identity certificates and then close the settings.

You can now click the Add Server icon and enter and you should be able to proceed without error.