Sanghwa Kim

Welcome! I am a doctoral candidate in quantitative marketing at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business.

My substantive interest lies in the interface of marketing and sustainability. Specifically, I study how consumer demand changes with environments such as air pollution, (micro) electric vehicles, etc. I am also broadly interested in digital marketing and retail management, as demonstrated by my recent publication in the Journal of Interactive Marketing. 

I employ quantitative methods with a particular focus on causal inference based on various econometric models augmented with field/lab experiments. My job market paper, for example, exploits panel data regressions and a controlled experiment in order to understand consumer spending under air pollution. The merit of this research is acknowledged by the ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Early-Stage Research Grants and in other scholarly conferences. To learn more about my research, please see this page.

I will be in the 2023 job market. Please click here to access the most recent version of my CV. I look forward to our future interactions!


Robert H. Smith School of Business

3330 Van Munching Hall, College Park, MD 20742