Discussion/ Working Group Series

Week 1

April 9th: We introduced the logistics of working group assembly. Groups started forming and interacting on our slack workspace: net-covid.slack.com

Week 2

April 16th: Each working group presented one-minute pitch videos describing their topic and plans.

Week 3

Each working group had a 10 minute slot (7-minute presentation and 3-minute Q&A) in one of our parallel sessions. Reading groups summarized the material they reviewed; project groups outlined their aims and approaches.

Detailed Schedule of Week 3 Parallel Sessions

Week 4

Optional follow-up 10 minute presentations from working groups. These presentations are stand alone, i.e., they don't require that you watched the week 3 presentations.

Detailed Schedule of Week 4 Presentations

Note: Videos only include presentations from working groups who gave permission for their material to be posted.