Step 1

 Click below to find the instructions and necessary links for Step 1a & b:

1a) Appoint/Elect a Sustainability Chair 

Each chapter will have a sustainability chair. Chairs oversee the process, schedule presentations and activities, and attend monthly meetings. 

Your Sustainability Chair will:

Chair committments include: 

1b) Introductory Presentation

Sustainability Chairs are required to give an introductory presentation about the Green Chapter to chapter members during a chapter meeting. Presentation slides and a sample presentation video are available below.

Evidence: Capture and share pictures or a short video of you presenting to your chapter members via Zoom or in person. These should be uploaded in the form below.

Chapter Presentation Reflection & Evidence Form: After completing the presentation, sustainability chairs should respond to the form provided below by responding to a few questions and uploading pictures of the presentation for evidence. 

Deadline: Please submit your Presentation Reflection & Evidence Form by _______/24

*Presentation Reflection & Evidence Form due by Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 11:59am.

1c) Schedule 1:1 Meeting

Sustainability Chairs must also schedule a 1:1 meeting with the Green Chapter Intern before _______, 2024. The 1:1 meetings serve as an opportunity to ask questions specific to your chapter and to establish a personalized action plan for achieving certification.

Information about how to schedule a 1:1 will be shared the week after Sustainability Chair training.