Dahai Yue, Ph.D.

4200 Valley Dr., 

College Park, MD 20742.

Email: dhyue@umd.edu

Welcome to my personal website! 

I am a health economist and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the University of Maryland, College Park. I am also a faculty associate at the Maryland Population Research Center and a core faculty at the UMD Center on Aging. I received my Ph.D. in Health Policy and Management (economics cognate at UCLA Economics Department) from UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.

My overall research focuses on health economics and health equity. I currently investigate how social factors shape health and healthcare-seeking behaviors and evaluate the health impacts of public programs. I am teaching research methods and health policy. Most of my current research focuses on the quality of education, homelessness, and the long-term impacts of Medicare. My research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other foundations and featured in leading journals, including the American Journal of Health EconomicsJournal of Health Economics, Health Affairs, and Health Services Research.

Curriculum Vitae.   Google ScholarPubmed
