CenterLink COVID-19 Vaccine Nudges Toolkit

CenterLink partnered with the University of Maryland School of Public Health to provide Centers with a toolkit of customizable resources for

COVID-19 vaccine communications. The toolkit items can be found on each of the pages of this site.

Welcome Centers!

Our team is glad we can support you in ensuring the health of your clients and community! We hope this toolkit of resources makes it easy to communicate the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine.

What is here for you?

Keep up to date

Sign up for our weekly newsletter where we cover trending vaccine topics and how to address them.

Even though our project is over, the hot topics newsletter will continue. It will be curated by the Lifting All Voices team.

Custom messaging

Use the templated social media campaign graphics to customize a social campaign for your center.

Customize the flyer to include clinics in your community, then share it with your clients or community!

Use over over 300 customizable social media graphics and captions all in English and Spanish and some in Haitian Creole, Mandarin, and Vietnamese

Use the templated social media campaign graphics to customize a social campaign for your center.

Customize the flyer to include clinics in your community, then share it with your clients or community!

Youth Focused Messaging

This guide can help give youth clientele the resources to learn more about the COVID vaccine.

Talking about the vaccine

Spark conversations about the COVID vaccine in person or virtually with these guides.

Add a question to your intake or check in process that will help people who want more information about the vaccine get answers.

Use this resource to help your center create clear, health literate and useable content

This toolkit supports your center’s COVID communications efforts by providing guidance on how to navigate difficult conversations and establish a social media policy. These conversations may happen in your center, on social media, in a town hall, or webinar.

Communications strategies for mental health providers to discuss the vaccines with their clients

Providing more information

This handout can be given to anyone who may have questions about the COVID vaccine.

Add a pop up on your website to direct visitors to vaccine information.

Other helpful resources

Use this guide to help foster robust relationships with your local health department

Use this guide to help plan for successful vaccine clinics

View recordings of vaccine communications webinars, and take a look at the resource guides.