Tuition and Fees

Payment of Tuition and Fees

From the Graduate Catalog

Tuition rates and fees are posted on the Student Financial Services & Cashiering website

Tuition, fees, and other University charges may be paid by mail, online, or in person at the Cashier's Office, Room 1115 Lee Building (click here for hours). The University accepts checks and Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards for payment. Checks should be made payable to "The University of Maryland." Students can also obtain their account balances through Student Financial Services & Cashiering.

It is the policy of the University not to allow deferment of payment pending the result of an application for financial assistance to an outside agency, including Veterans Administration benefits, bank loans, or guaranteed student loan programs.

Each student is individually responsible for his or her bill and for meeting payment deadlines. Failure to meet these deadlines may result in late charges or cancellation of registration. The University will suspend services to students for delinquent indebtedness and failure to pay bills. The University will also transfer delinquent accounts to the State Central Collections Unit, which will levy further late fees and take necessary steps to obtain payment.

University Refund statement

Tuition, fees, and refundable deposits are authorized for refund only if the student completes the prescribed withdrawal procedures or is dismissed from the University. Residence Hall and Dining Services charges are authorized for refund only if the student completes the prescribed residence hall and dining services contract release procedures. Please refer to the current Academic Deadlines for complete refund information and procedures. 

Refunds for Withdrawal from All Classes

A Cancellation of Registration submitted to the Registrar's Office before the first day of classes entitles the student to a full credit or refund of semester tuition and fees.

After classes begin, students who wish to terminate their registration and withdraw from all classes must follow the withdrawal procedures specified in the Schedule of Classes . Students will find the necessary forms for withdrawal in 1113 Mitchell Building. The effective date used in computing refunds is the date the withdrawal form is filed with the Registrar's Office. Stopping payment on a check, failure to pay the semester bill, or failure to attend classes does not constitute withdrawal.

Students withdrawing from the University will be credited for tuition in accordance with the following schedule:

Period from date instruction begins

Refundable tuition *

Two weeks or less: 80%

Two to three weeks: 60%

Three to four weeks: 40%

Four to five weeks: 20%

Over five weeks: no refund 

* Fees are non-refundable after the first day of classes.

Withdrawal from all classes may be a violation of the Graduate School’s Continuous Registration policy. Students withdrawing from classes who intend to continue in their graduate degree or certificate program should secure a Waiver of Continuous Registration or Leave of Absence from the Graduate School before withdrawing.

Refunds for Dropping Individual Courses

Refunds for Dropping Individual Courses

Graduate students may obtain refunds for courses that are dropped (if dropping a course results in the overall number of registered credits ) during the first ten days of classes. Students may drop and add courses without penalty provided that the changes are made on the same day and that the total number of credits does not change. Graduate students are charged by the credit hour. A percentage refund will be imposed according to the schedule below:

Prior to the first day of classes: 100% refund

During the first ten days of classes: 80% refund

After the first ten days of classes: 0% refund 

For funds to be returned, students must file a request for a refund with the Office of the Bursar. If a request for refund is not filed, credit on the student account will automatically be carried over to the next semester. Refund requests may be made by addressing a letter to Student Financial Services & Cashiering, Lee Building, University of Maryland, College Park, 20742, visiting Student Financial Services & Cashiering, Lee Building, Room 1135, between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday, or requesting a refund online through Student Financial Services & Cashiering. A credit balance is not automatically refunded.