
Red-bellied cooter found in New Jersey

Diamondback terrapin found in New Jersey with irregular scute pattern

Lumpfish at Swansea University, Wales

Adult female diamondback terrapin next to a recent hatchling

Recent snapping turtle hatch found on Tilghman Island

An American eel found in an oyster cage in the Baltimore Inner Harbor

A squat lobster found during sampling in St. Austell Bay, UK

Tagging horseshoe crabs as a part of the Green Eggs and Sand worskhop in New Jersey

Oyster farm near Bouin, France

Horseshoe crab molting on Tilghman Island

Atlantic salmon in a partial reuse system

Young mud turtle on Tilghman Island

Stylochus flatworm found in an oyster cage in the Inner Harbor

Ships in Padstow, UK

Winter oyster survey with DNR