Welcome to the Streamline Embedded Assessment for Citizen and Community Science Portal!

Embedded Assessments (EAs) are often used in classroom settings. But they can also be tremendously useful for citizen science because they can be used to (1) learn about volunteer engagement and learning, (2) improve project design, and (3) inform stakeholders on project progression and success.

This Portal provides guidance for conducting embedded assessments in citizen and community science and other informal science learning efforts. It is primarily for evaluators, researchers and practitioners working within citizen science. However, professionals working in other informal science learning sectors may also find it useful.

Just click on each tab to:

  • What are EAs - Learn more about embedded assessments and why they are important

  • EA resources - Access resources to help you conduct embedded assessments, as well as papers on embedded assessments

  • Publications - Read more in depth about our process and results

  • Our team - Learn about our experienced team of evaluators and researchers who have studied embedded assessments and developed the ones shared on this portal

This information is based upon the work supported by the National Science Foundation (AISL 1422099 and AISL 1713424). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.