Capstone Research Idea

I plan to conduct a Type 1 scholarly synthesis capstone project. With the information already published about the data science field, I can use it to help answer my research topic. I plan to research the definitions being used in the industry for data analysis, the conversion of data science amongst people and the applications of data visualizations being used today. This topic also integrates the disciples in my course work such as communications, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematic) and analytics to understand how data visualizations is being use to communicate technical information. Data science is a component of technical communications which both managers and engineers have to use to understand one another. Scientist and engineers are generally the ones to look at the raw date but when representing their work, data visualizations is tool to help translate it for management to understand. This research topic will help me further my understanding of technical communications for engineers.


CAO, L. (2017). Data Science: Challenges and Directions. Communications Of The ACM, 60(8), 59-68. doi:10.1145/3015456