
Lujie Karen Chen

Assisant Professor 


Shimei Pan

Associate Professor


Vandana Jeneja

Professor and Department Chair


Patricia Ordóñez

Associate Professor


Dr. Lujie (Karen) Chen (PI)  is an Assistant Professor from the Information System Department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). She has accumulated over ten years of experience as an academic data scientist, data science educator, and interdisciplinary educational researcher.  She has a keen interest in studying the complexity of cognitive,  metacognitive, and affective processes of human problem-solving in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) domains and is also interested in exploring strategies to nurture lifelong learning skills, particularly in this age of AI. 

Dr. Shimei Pan (Co-PI) is an Associate Professor at the Information Systems Department of UMBC.   She has over 20 years of data science experience in academic and industry settings. She has published over 100 papers in international journals and conferences on machine learning (ML), data mining (DM),  responsible AI, and Human-AI interaction.  

Dr. Vandana Janeja (Co-PI)  is a Professor and Chair of the Information Systems department at UMBC. She heads the Multi Data lab, which brings together important societal projects such as climate change, ethics in data science, misinformation detection, and cyber security.  She is the UMBC PI for the IUSE NSF grant which focuses on developing undergraduate data science curriculum and establishes a data science ecosystem of foundational courses and ethics modules.

Dr. Patricia Ordóñez (Co-PI)  is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Systems at UMBC.  Her research interests are applying machine learning, data mining, and visual analytics in critical care units to reduce deaths due to medical errors in hospitals and advocating for and developing learning ecosystems that provide high-quality computer and data science education for all.

We are grateful for the enthusiastic and dedicated support from Graduate Research Assistants! 

Maryam Alomair

Lucky Verma