Zhibo Zhang

Dr. Zhibo Zhang

Associate Professor

Graduate Program Director of Atmospheric Physics

Physics Department/JCET, UMBC

Email: zzbatmos@umbc.edu

Phone: (410) 455-6315



Ph.D. 2008 Texas A&M University, Atmospheric Sciences

M.S. 2004 Texas A&M University, Atmospheric Sciences

B.A. 2001 Nanjing University, Atmospheric Science

Experience in Higher Education:

2014 – present UMBC, Physics Dept. Graduate Program Director, ATPH

2011 – 2016 UMBC, Physics Dept. Assistant Professor (Early Tenure)

2016 – present UMBC, Physics Dept. Associate Professor

Experience in Other than Higher Education

05/2011 – 09/2011 JCET/UMBC Assistant Research Scientist

11/2009 – 05/2011 GEST/UMBC Postdoc Research Associate

Honors Received:

2016 International Radiation Commission (IRC) Young Scientist Award

2014 NASA New (Early Career) Investigator Program Award

2013 ~ Present Member of NASA PACE Mission Science Definition Team

2011 ~ Present Member of NASA MODIS Science Team

2013 ~ Present Member of NASA CALIPO/CloudSat Science Team

2007 AGU 2007 Fall Meeting Outstanding Student Paper Award

2005 Geosciences Graduate Excellence Scholarship, TAMU

2000 People’s Scholarship, Nanjing University, China

1998 People’s Scholarship, Nanjing University, China

Ph.D. Students:

8/2016 – Present Qianqian Song Committee Chair

1/2015 – Present Chamara Raja Committee Chair

1/2012 – Present Daniel Miller Committee Chair

4/2013 – Present Espinosa, Reed Committee Member

3/2014 – Present Daniel Orozco Committee Member

3/2014 – 5/2015 John Sullivan Committee Member

1/2012 – 3/2013 Li Zhu Committee Member

3/2011 – 6/2013 Patricia Sawamura Committee Member

4/2013 –11/2013 Steven Buczkowski Committee Member

4/2013 –11/2013 Gergely Dolgos Committee Member

M.S. Students:

9/2014 – 12/1026 Roy Prouty Committee Chair

9/2013 – 6/2014 Nigel Anton Committee Chair

Undergraduate Students

2015 – Present David Lyon Advisor Undergraduate research assistant (Supported by NASA grant)

2014 – 2015 Robert Gagliardi Advisor Undergraduate research assistant (Supported by NASA grant)

2011 – 2012 Brent McBride Advisor UMBC Undergraduate Research Assistantship Support (URAS):

2012 – 2014 Academic Advisor for: Justin Bengel, Matthew Davis, Robert Gagliardi, Timothy Pillsbury, Kevin Raynor, Nathan Smith, George Swift, Matthew Wilcox


PHYS 220: Intro. Computational Physics

PHYS 408: Modern Optics

PHYS 640: Computational Physics

PHYS 621: Atmospheric Physics I

PHYS 721 Radiative Transfer

Research Support and/or Fellowships:

  1. Awarded/Current

Project/Proposal Title: CyberTraining: DSE: Cross-Training of Researchers in Computing, Applied Mathematics and Atmospheric Sciences using Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Resources

Source of Support: NSF

Award Number: OAC-1730250

UMBC Award Amount: $499,971

Award Period Covered: 09/01/17 – 08/31/20

Location of Project: UMBC

Role: Co-I

Ave. Person-Months /Year: 0.5

Project/Proposal Title: Efficient and Flexible Aggregation and Distribution of MODIS Atmospheric Products based on Climate Analytics-as-a-Service Framework

Source of Support: NASA

Award Number: 17-CMAC17-0004

UMBC Award Amount: $274,953

Award Period Covered: 03/27/18 – 03/26/20

Location of Project: UMBC

Role: Co-I

Ave. Person-Months /Year: 1.0

Project/Proposal Title: Understanding the Variability and Net Radiative Effect of Mineral Dust in Recent Decades by Using Satellite Measurements from Terra, Aqua, and Suomi NPP

Source of Support: NASA

Award Number: 17-TASNPP17-0141

UMBC Award Amount: $217,996

Award Period Covered: 07/01/17 – 06/30/20

Location of Project: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Role: Co-I

Ave. Person-Months /Year: 1.0


Project/Proposal Title: Improving our understanding on the Link between Aerosols, Marine Stratocumulus Clouds and Radiative Effects: Combining Novel Cloud Classification Approach with Satellites, Airborne Observations and Climate Models

Source of Support: NASA

Proposal Number: 18-ACMAP18-0111

UMBC Budget: $92,861

Award Period Covered: 05/01/18 – 04/30/21

Location of Project: NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL)

Role: Co-I

Ave. Person-Months /Year: 1.0

Project/Proposal Title: Using CloudSat and CALIPSO observations to assess and inform Global Climate Model hydrometeor generators about the horizontal and vertical subgrid variability of clouds and precipitation

Source of Support: NASA

Proposal Number: 18-CCST18-0046

UMBC Budget: $126,105

Award Period Covered: 07/01/18 – 06/30/21

Location of Project: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Role: Co-I

Ave. Person-Months /Year: 1.0

Project/Proposal Title: Using IIR, CALIOP and Other Satellite Observations to Better Understand the Thermal Infrared Optical Depth and Radiative Effects of Dust Aerosols

Source of Support: NASA

Proposal Number: 18-CCST18-0063

UMBC Budget: $584,408

Award Period Covered: 07/01/18 – 06/30/21

Location of Project: UMBC

Role: PI

Ave. Person-Months /Year: 1.2

Project/Proposal Title: Investigate the Radiative and Microphysical Effects of Above-cloud Dust Aerosols in North-East Atlantic

Source of Support: NASA

Proposal Number: 19-EARTH19-0171

UMBC Budget: $135,000

Award Period Covered: 09/01/19 – 08/31/22

Location of Project: UMBC

Role: PI (Student fellowship)

Ave. Person-Months /Year: 0.0

Project/Proposal Title: Characterizing the Variation and Covariation of

Cloud Microphysical Properties and Implications for Simulation of

Subgrid-scale Warm-Rain Processes in Earth System Models

Source of Support: DOE

UMBC Budget: $598,016

Award Period Covered: 09/01/19 – 08/31/22

Location of Project: UMBC

Role: PI

Ave. Person-Months /Year: 1.0

3. Completed

2013~2016 Title:Investigating the Impacts of Absorbing Aerosols Overlying Marine Boundary Layer Clouds over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean: Aerosol-Adjusted Cloud Optical Properties and Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing

Role: Co-I

Funding Agency: NASA

2013~2016 Title:Enhancing CALIPSO’s Capability of Measuring Above-Cloud Absorbing Aerosols and Assessing Aerosol Long-Range Transport and Radiative Effects Through an A-Train Integration

Role: Co-I

Funding Agency: NASA

2014~2017 Title: “Quantifying the direction radiative effects of above-cloud aerosols over global ocean using multiple NASA datasets”

Role: PI

Funding Agency: NASA

2014~2017 Title: “Using MODIS, ASTER, CloudSat and large-eddy-simulation to better understand the microphysical and optical properties of heterogeneous and precipitating marine boundary layer clouds

Role: PI

Funding Agency: NASA

2014~2017 Title: “Investigating cloud horizontal structure and 3D radiative transfer effects on passive remote sensing of marine boundary layer clouds: An integrated study of NASA field campaign data and large-eddy simulations

Role: PI (My student’s NASA fellowship)

Funding Agency: NASA

2014~2017 Title: “Retrieval Studies In Support of Cloud Property Products from the PACE Ocean Color Imager

Role: Co-I

Funding Agency: NASA


Role: PI

Funding Agency: DOE

2011~2014 Title: “Toward a better understanding of the vertical structure of marine boundary layer clouds using MODIS observations and large-eddy simulation models

Role: PI

Funding Agency: NASA


Service to the UMBC Department of Physics

2018 – present UMBC IT Steering Committee

2014 – 2019 Graduate Program Director, Atmospheric Physics

2013 2014 Chair of Search Committee for Assistant Professor in Atmos. Phys.

2011 – 2014 Advisor for Physics Majors

2012 - 2013 Member of Departmental Affairs Committee.

2012 – 2014 Member of Department Affiliation Committee

2012 – 2014 Member of Departmental Strategic Planning Committee

Service to the Community

A. Conference/Meeting Organizer

  • Co-organizer: Impacts of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions on Radiation, Eighth Symposium on Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions, AMS annual meeting 2016
  • Co-organizer: Impacts of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions on Radiation, Ninth Symposium on Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions, AMS annual meeting 2017
  • Co-organizer: Impacts of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions on Radiation, 10th Symposium on Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions, AMS annual meeting 2018
  • Co-organizer: Aerosol–Cloud-Radiation Interactions and Impacts on Weather/Climate, 11th Symposium on Aerosol–Cloud–Climate Interactions, AMS annual meeting 2019

B. Editorship

2012 – now Associated Editor Advances in Atmospheric Sciences

Ad hoc reviewer of the Following Journals

  • Remote sensing of environment
  • Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere
  • Monthly Weather Review
  • Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
  • Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
  • Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
  • Atmospheric Research
  • Applied Optics
  • Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
  • Theoretical and Applied Climatology
  • Advance in Atmospheric Science
  • Scientific Online Letter on the Atmosphere

C. Proposal/Panel Review

  • National Science Foundation
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Department of Energy
  • Netherland Organization for Scientific Research