Below, you’ll find my writing organized by publication type and year, with links. For questions on any specific publication, feel free to email me.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
*Rivera-Kientz, Katsyris, R. Negrón, L. M. Estrada-Martínez, *N.H. Brown, *C.Ozor Commer, *M. Admankar, *J. Lillquist, *N. Johnson, *R. Inegbedion, and P. Watanabe. "Community-Led Climate Preparedness and Resilience in Boston: New Evidence from Communities of Color" Climate 12(9): 149. https://doi.org/10.3390/cli12090149.
Negrón, R., A. Ruth, C. SturtzSreetharan, *A. Gunderson, E. Ilboudo Nébié, *s. n. hussein, M. Beresford, H.R. Bernard, R. Nelson, and A. Wutich. “Lessons Learned” from Building an Inclusive, Integrated Big Tent for Methods. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2), 84-87.
du Bray, M.V., R. Negrón, *K.C. Krause, C. SturtzSreetharan, and K. Mayfour. Mentorship to Support Mental Health for Students in Applied Anthropology. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2), 128–130.
Ruth, Alissa, M.V. du Bray,* L. Gleason, C. SturtzSreetharan, R. Negrón, A. Roque, A. Wutich, R. Nelson, M. Beresford. The New NSF CAMP Feedback Method for Research Mentorship. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2), 119-123.
Dengah II, H.J. François, A. Brewis, J.C. Johnson, C. McCarty, R. Negrón, J.G. Snodgrass, *Elizabeth Bingham Thomas, Susan C. Weller, *Katya Xinyi Zhao. The Benefits of Using Cultural Domain Analysis in Applied Anthropology. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2), 97-99.
Nelson, R. G., Moritz, M., Negrón, R., Dressler, W., & Brewis, A. Facilitating Exchanges Between Applied & Academic Anthropologists: Working Together on Methods Innovations. Practicing Anthropology, 46(2), 131–133.
Negrón, R., A. Wutich, H.R. Bernard, A. Brewis, A. Ruth, K. Mayfour, B. Piperata, M. Beresford, C. SturtzSreetharan, P. Mahdavi, J. Hardin, R. Zarger, K. Harper, J. Holland Jones, C.C. Gravlee, B. Brayboy. Ethnographic Methods Training Norms and Practices and the Future of American Anthropology. American Anthropologist, 126(3): 458-469. https://doi.org/10.1111/aman.13991.
Manne, S., et al. (16 authors, Negrón, R. - 8th author). Melanoma Survivors and Families:Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research, January (12e39640). Article Link.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Negrón, R., *Brinkerhoff, C., Tracy, N., Troncoso, M., Reich, A., Siqueira, C. E., Project AquiLá: Community-engaged planning to explore the relationship between culture and health. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. Online March 28. Article Link.
Ruth, A., K. Mayfour, J. Hardin, T. Sangaramoorthy, A. Wutich, HR. Bernard, A. Brewis, M. Beresford, C. SturtzSreetharan, BMKJ. Brayboy, HJF. Dengah II, CC. Gravlee, G. Guest, K. Harper, P. Mahdavi, SM. Mattison, M. Moritz, R. Negrón, BA. Piperata, JG. Snodgrass & R. Zarger. “Teaching Ethnographic Methods: The State of the Art.” Human Organization, 81(4): 401-412, 2022. Article Link.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Negrón, R., *Brinkerhoff, C., Tracy, N., Troncoso, M., Reich, A., Siqueira, C. E., Project AquiLá: Community-engaged planning to explore the relationship between culture and health. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 2022. Article Link.
Brewis, A., B. Piperata, H.J.F Denaugh II, W. Dressler, M.A. Liebert, S. Mattison, R. Negrón, R. Nelson, K. Oths, J.G. Snodgrass, S. Tanner, Z. Thayer, K. Wander, and C. Gravlee. Biocultural strategies for measuring psychosocial stress outcomes in field-based research. Field Methods, 33(4): 315-334, 2022. Article Link.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., *Brinkerhoff, C., Bailey, C., Troncoso Lama, M., Siqueira, C. E., Negrón, R. El Sancocho, la bandera y la familia: The social life of food and its implications for Dominican immigrant health. Health Promotion Practice, 23(1): 147-153, 2022. Article Link.
*Brinkerhoff, C., Siqueira, C. E., Negrón, R., Tracy, N., Troncoso, M.L., Sprague Martinez, L.S. "There you enjoy life, here you work": Brazilian and Dominican immigrants' views on work and health in the U.S., International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 16(20): 4025, 2019. Article Link.
*Tawa, J., Negrón, R., Pfeffer, J. The Measurement of Interpersonal Interactions with Continuous Spatiotemporal Data: Application to a Study of the Effects of Resource Competition on Racial Group Interactions, Behavior Research Methods, 52: 881-900, 2019. Article Link.
Negrón, R., Ethnic Identification and New York City’s Intra-Latino Hierarchy, Latino Studies, 16(2): 185-212, 2018. Article Link.
*Leyva, B., Allen, J.D., Hosffman, O., Tom, L.S., Negrón, R., Buesa, R., Torres, M.I.
Understanding Organizational Capacity among Churches for Implementing Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs: A Community-Engaged Approach, Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, and Research, 7(3): 517-528, 2017. Article Link.
*Tawa, J., Negrón, R., Suyemoto, K., Carter, A. The Effect of Resource Competition on Blacks’ and Asians’ Dynamic Social Distance Using a Virtual World Methodology, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 18(6): 761-777, 2015. Article Link.
Allen, J.D., Tom, L., Rustan, S.J., *Vengoechea, B.L., Ospino, H., Negrón, R., Torres, M.I., Galeas, A. Enhancing organizational capacity to provide cancer control programs among Latino churches: Design and baseline findings of the CRUZA Study, BMC Health Services Research, 15: 147, 2015. Article Link.
Allen, J.D., Tom, L., *Vengoechea, B.L., Rustan, S.J., Negrón, R., Linnan, L., Jandorf, L., Ospino, H. and Torres, M.I. Recruiting and surveying Catholic parishes for cancer control initiatives: Lessons learned from the CRUZA Implementation Study, Health Promotion Practice, 16(5): 667-76, 2015. Article Link.
Negrón, R., Diversity, Multiethnicity and Latino Social Networks, Societies, 4(2): 222-239, 2014. Article Link.
Negrón, R., Observer on the Move: Shadowing Ethnography of Ethnic Flexibility in NYC, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Working Paper Series (March), 2014. Article Link.
Negrón, R., New York City’s Latino Ethnolinguistic Repertoire and the Negotiation of
Latinidad in Conversation, Journal of Sociolinguistics, 18(1): 87-118, 2014. Article Link.
Negrón, R., *Leyva-Vengochea, B., Allen, J., Hosffman, O., Tom, L., Rustan, S.
Leadership Networks in Catholic Parishes: Implications for Implementation Research in
Health, Social Science & Medicine, 122: 53-62. Article Link.
Tofthagen C., Halpenny B., Melendez M., Gonzalez L., Sanchez-Varela V., Negrón, R.,
Berry D.L. Evaluating the Linguistic Appropriateness and Cultural Sensitivity of a Self-
report System for Spanish-speaking Patients with Cancer, Nursing Research & Practice.
Negrón, R., Personal Networks and Migration Decision: The Case of Jamaican Brain Drain, Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, 6(1): 43-63, 2012. Article Link.
Negrón, R., Audio Recording Everyday Talk, Field Methods, 24(2): 292-309, 2012. Article Link.
Negrón, R. and Brown E.J. Gender, Personal Networks and Drug Use among Rural African Americans, International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 30(1): 41-54, 2010. Article Link.
Negrón, R. and Negrón W. Negotiating Latino Ethnicity in NYC: Social Interactions & Ethnic Self-Presentation, Dialogos Latinoamericanos, Special Issue: Latinos: Migration and Transnationalism in USA, 16: 35-57, 2009. Article Link.
Negrón, R., Spanish/English Code-Switching in E-Mail Communication Language@Internet, 6, 2009. Article Link.
Book Chapters
Negrón, R., L. Estrada-Martinez, M. Negrón, *O. Maldonado-Meléndez, D. Aldrich, Climate Displacement and Migration After Hurricane Maria: Implications for Puerto Ricans' Mental Health, in Climate Justice and Public Health, R. Srikanth and L. Thompson, eds., University of Massachusetts Press.
Estrada-Martinez, L., R. Negrón, Consequences of and Responses to Compounded Vulnerabilities Rooted in Colonialism: The Case of Vieques, P.R., in Climate Justice and Public Health, R. Srikanth and L. Thompson, eds., University of Massachusetts Press.
Raciti, A., R. Negrón, R. Herst, Social Resilience in the Face of the Unexpected, Idea City: How to Make Boston More Liveable, Equitable, and Resilient, David Gamble, ed., University of Massachusetts Press, 2023.Publisher Link.
Negrón, R., Innovation in the Study of Superdiversity: Methodology, Methods, and Approaches, Oxford Handbook of Superdiversity, F. Meissner, N. Sigona, and S. Vertovec, eds., Oxford University Press, 2022. Publisher Link.
Negrón, R., Sprague Martinez, L., Siqueira, E., *Brinkerhoff, C. A Multi-Level Framework for Understanding Knowledge Sharing in Transnational Immigrant Networks, Networks, Knowledge Brokers, and the Public Policymaking Process, M. Weber and I. Yanovitzky, eds., Palgrave, 2021. Publisher Link.
Negrón, R., Spanish as a Heritage Language and the Negotiation of Race and Intra-Latino Hierarchies in the U.S., Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language, K. Potowski, ed., Routledge, 2018. Publisher Link.
Negrón, R., Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health. Springer Science + Business: NY, NY. Multiple entries ("Multiculturlism", "Respeto", and "Social networking"), 2012. Publisher Link.
Public Scholarship
*Browne, J., *K. Chi, *J. Hollins-Gadbois, *A. Kaba, R. Negrón, *Y. Ortiz-Zayas, *J. Szeiter (ABC order). 2023, June. “Mattapan Mobility Project Report: Perceptions and Attitudes on Biking”. Report to the Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition, 2023. Mattapan Mobility Project Report_Final.pdf
Negrón, R., Rebecca Herst, and Antonio Raciti, Greater Boston’s climate adaptation field is divided by race, Boston Globe, September 15, 2022. Article Link.
Negrón, R., Antonio Raciti, Rebecca Herst, Connecting for Equitable Climate Adaptation: Mapping Stakeholder Relationships in Metro Boston, Sustainable Solutions Lab report, June 2022. Report Link.
Negrón, R., The George Floyd Uprising and Anti-Racist Culture Change. Diggit Magazine, June 2020. Article Link.
Negrón, R., Conservative critiques of identity politics as divisive. Diggit Magazine, January 2020. Article Link.
Negrón, R., Nation of Immigrants or Nation of Laws? Diggit Magazine, September 2019. Article Link.