5th Workshop on Narrative Understanding 

This is the 5th iteration of the Narrative Understanding Workshop, which brings together an interdisciplinary group of researchers from AI, ML, NLP, Computer Vision and other related fields, as well as scholars from the humanities to discuss methods to improve automatic narrative understanding capabilities.

The workshop will consist of talks from invited speakers, a panel of researchers and writers, and talks and posters from accepted papers. 

The workshop will be held at ACL 2023 on July 14 and will be a hybrid workshop. Check out the past versions of the workshop: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019.

Please use the Underline website to access the workshop content (contact us if you have any access issues).

Invited Speakers and Panelists

Mohit Bansal

UNC Chapel Hill

Daphne Ippolito

Carnegie Mellon University, Google Research

Minlie Huang

Tsinghua University

Vered Shwartz

University of British Columbia, Vector Institute