Workshop on Narrative Understanding, Storylines, and Events (NUSE)

Check out the workshop schedule here!

The 1st Joint Workshop on Narrative Understanding, Storylines, and Events (NUSE) brings together an interdisciplinary group of researchers from NLP, ML, and other computational fields with authors and scholars from the humanities to discuss methods to improve automatic narrative understanding capabilities.

The workshop will take place in Seattle on July 9, 2020 co-located with ACL.

This workshop combines three previously independent workshops in related topic areas: the Narrative Understanding (WNU), Events and Stories in the News (EventStory), and Detecting and Summarizing Events in Real-Time (DeSERT) workshops.

Invited Speakers

Angela Fan

Facebook Research

Mark Finlayson

Florida International University

Andrew Gordon

University of Southern California

Alexander G. Hauptmann

Carnegie Mellon University

Kathleen McKeown

Columbia University

Ellen Riloff

University of Utah

Ted Underwood

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign