Maximizing Engagement for Students

Tools for Maximizing Engagement.pdf

Leader Tools for Facilitating Sessions

Establish Routines and Structure

Establishing Routines and Structure.pdf

Provide Ample Opportunities to Respond

Opportunities to Respond.pdf

Weekly Session Agenda

Positive Activity of the Day

  1. Review take home challenge from previous week

  2. Introduce the positive activity of the day and discuss the "why" (how the activity increases well-being)

  3. Practice the positive activity during the session

  4. Challenge the group to practice the activity in their own lives (take home challenge)

Meeting Students Where They Are

Meeting Students Where They Are.pdf

Showing Care and Positive Regard

Showing Care.pdf

Tools for Engaging the Whole Group

Establish Group Norms

Establish Group Norms.pdf

Seek Student Input

Seek Student Input.pdf

Arrange the Physical Environment

Arrange the Physical Environment.pdf

Revisiting the "Why"

Revisiting the Why.pdf

Could individualized support be needed?

Leader Checklist before Individualizing.pdf
One on one conversation.pdf
One on one conversation - wise feedback.pdf

Considering the "why" of behavior and selecting individualized supports

Consider the why of behavior 1.pdf
Consider the why of behavior 2.pdf

For students who want to "get"

For students who need to support to get.pdf

For students who want to "get out"

For students who need support to get out.pdf