Jeff Podos

Jeff is a Professor in the Department of Biology at UMass. His research focuses on vocal behavior and evolution in songbirds, and has active research projects in the US, Ecuador, and Brazil. Click on the "research" tab above to read more about lab activities and interests. Most every fall Jeff teaches an upper-level majors class in Animal Behavior, and in spring semesters he teaches a class on Writing in Biology. For almost two decades he co-taught a non-majors, general education course on the Biology of Social Issues. From 2011-2018, Jeff served as Graduate Program Director and Leader for the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (OEB) graduate program. He is presently executive co-editor for Advances in the Study of Behavior, and editor for Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology. Jeff has served twice on the Executive Committee of the Animal Behavior Society, including a stint as society President in 2017-18.

Amy Strauss

Amy joined the Podos lab in Fall 2013. She has been conducting research on the evolution of complexity and diversity in songbird vocal behavior, looking specifically at the role that ecological factors play in shaping avian communication systems. During her undergraduate career at Whitman College, she performed research examining the effects of habitat on geographic patterns of song sharing in Dickcissels (Spiza americana) with Dr. Tim Parker. Prior to joining the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (OEB) graduate program here at UMass, Amy worked in the Division of Vertebrate Zoology at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). * Follow Amy on Twitter!

Laura checking the operational status of a Motus radio telemetry tower in eastern Nevada. This tower continuously collects data on the presence/absence and movement of radio tagged bats.

Laura Hancock

Laura (she/her) joined the Podos Lab in 2018, and is co-advised by Dr. Kristina Stinson and Dr. Richard Sherwin (of Christopher Newport University). Within the scope of the Podos lab, she is studying the colony structure and dynamics of Townsend's big-eared bats (Corynorhinus townsendii). To do this she is using a variety of methods and technologies, including: radio telemetry, passive integrated transponder tags (PIT tags), novel & historic roost survey data, next generation sequencing, and geographic information systems. Laura hopes that her research will help wildlife biologists to better understand mechanistic associations between this species and the natural and human-created subterranean roosting habitat available to them in Nevada, USA. 

Katie Schroeder

Katie joined the Podos lab in 2018 and is co-advised by Luke Remage-Healey. Her PhD research focuses on the evolution, mechanisms, and development of species recognition in songbirds. Prior to joining the OEB program at UMass, Katie completed her master’s degree at East Carolina University (ECU) studying factors affecting call structure, behavioral responses to calls of neighbors and strangers, and automated acoustic monitoring of the threatened king rail (Rallus elegans). While at ECU, Katie also conducted research on song variability in zebra finches and co-founded the Ornithology Club.  * Follow Katie on Twitter!  *  Check out Katie's webpage!

Katie noticed the Easter egg that Jeff wrote into her bio and deleted it to avoid unsolicited requests for money.

João Menezes

João joined the Podos lab in Fall 2020. He is broadly interested in the evolution of communication traits involved in mate choice. More specifically, João wishes to understand what role the physical environment plays in the evolution of sexual signals. João is originally from Brazil and earned his Master’s degree from the University of São Paulo, where he studied the evolution of bird gestural displays using phylogenetic comparative methods. João recently experienced a near-brush reckoning with his own mortality as he consumed his first ever bag of Funyuns (TM) without easy access to a medical facility. * Follow João on Twitter!

Lab Alum


Andrew Hendry, Post-doc and general nuisance, 2000-2

David Lahti, Post-doc 2003-9


Kara Belinsky, PhD 2008, co-advised with Bruce Byers

Ana Gabela, MS 2007

Eben Goodale, Research Associate 2000-1, 2008-9

Sarah Goodwin, PhD 2016

Dave Hof, PhD 2014

Sarah Huber, PhD 2007

Jesse McClure, PhD 2015

Dana Moseley, PhD 2013

Benjamin Taft, PhD 2010

Magnificent frigatebird in flight, Borrero Bay, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos: