Weekly Discussion Paper (2018-2021)

Spring 2021


intronic enhancers regulate gene expression in Arabidopsis (Fig 1: Xiang, Fig 2: Joe, Fig 3: Rob, Fig 4: Jamie, Fig 5-6: Amber, Fig 7: Thomas, Fig 8: Erin, Fig 9: Arif)


conserved pleiotropy of an ancient homebox gene (WOX) (Fig 1: Joe, Fig 2: Thomas, Fig 3: Rob, Fig 4: Arif, Fig 5: Erin)


biomechanics of corolla tube elongation in morning glory (Fig1: Thomas, Fig2: Xiang, Fig3: Erin, Fig4: Amber)


Leaf-derived ABA regulates rice seed development (Fig 1: Joe, Fig 2: Arif, Fig 3: Rob, Fig 4: Jamie, Fig 5: Amber, Fig 6: Thomas, Fig 7: Erin)


Molecular mechanism of cytokinin-activated cell division in Arabidopsis (Fig1: Joe; Fig2: Jamie; Fig3: Amber; Fig4: Thomas)


gene duplication underlies Fascicled ear1 phenotype in maize (Fig1: Amber, Fig2: Erin, Fig3: Xiang, Fig4: Thomas, Fig5: Rob)


Genomic basis of geographical adaptation to soil nitrogen in rice (Fig1: Thomas, Fig2: Xiang, Fig3: Rob , Fig4: Erin, Fig5: Jamie)


single-cell RNAseq of developing maize ear (Fig 1: Joe, Fig 2 a-m : Amber, Fig 2 n-r: Erin, Fig 3: Jamie, Fig 4 a-d : Arif, Fig 4 e-i: Thomas )

Fall 2020


Genomes of the Banyan Tree and Pollinator Wasp Provide Insights into Fig-Wasp Coevolution (Fig 1: Amber, Fig 2: Erin, Fig 3: Jamie, Fig 4: Joe, Fig 5: Arif)


genetics of sex determination in persimmon (Fig 1: Isabella + Xiang, Fig 2: Thomas, Fig 3: Joe, Fig 4: Jamie, Fig 5: Jarrett, Fig 6: Amber, Fig. 7: Erin)


structural variation and trait diversity in tomatoes (Fig 1: Thomas, Fig 2: Amber, Fig 3: Xiang, Fig 4: Arif, Fig 5: Jamie, Fig 6: Erin)


micro-protein LITTLE NINJA important for JA signaling (Fig 1: Joe, Fig 2: Xiang, Fig 3: Amber, Fig 4: Erin, Fig 5: Jamie, Fig 6: Arif)


WUSCHEL plays a role in anti-viral response in Arabidopsis SAM (Fig 1: Erin, Fig2 a-h: Xiang, Fig2 i-t: Amber, Fig3 a-c: Thomas, Fig3 d-e: Jarrett, Fig4 a-d: Joe, Fig4 e-g: Jamie)


A cis-regulatory atlas in maize at single-cell resolution (Fig 1: Joe, Fig 2a-e: Jarrett, Fig2f-j: Amber, Fig3a-c: Erin, Fig3d-g: Xiang, Fig 4a-e: Jamie, Fig4f-h: Arif)


NGATHA-LIKEs control leaf margin development (Fig 1: Erin, Fig 2: Arif, Fig 3: Joe, Fig 4: Jarrett, Fig 5: Jamie, Fig 6: Xiang, Fig 7: Erin, Fig 8: Amber)


BDI1 controls spikelet meristem identity in barley (Fig 1: Erin, Fig 2: Xiang, Fig 3: Amber, Fig 4: Jarrett, Fig 5: Jamie, Fig 6: Arif, Fig 7: Joe)


seq-DAP-seq (Fig 1: Erin, Fig 2: Maya, Fig 3: Amber, Fig 4: Jarrett, Fig 5: Xiang)


developmental regulation of thorns (Fig. 1: Maya, Fig. 2: Isabella, Fig. 3: Amber, Fig. 4: Xiang, Fig. 5: Erin, Fig. 6: Jarrett, Fig. 7: Katie)

Spring 2020

May 28, 2020

high-throughput CRISPR for ID'ing genes underlying traits of interest in maize (Fig 1: Erin, Fig 2: Jarrett, Fig 3: Xiang, Fig 4: Harry)

May 14, 2020

role of chloroplast tRNA in rice development (Fig 1: Erin, Fig 2: Amber, Fig 3: Xiang, Fig 4: Jarrett, Fig 5: Joe, Fig 6: Jamie, Fig 7: Erin, Figs 8 + 9: Harry, Fig 10: Jamie/general (model))

May 7, 2020

BOP orthologs in Brachy (Figure 1: Jarrett, Figure 2: Rachel, Figure 3: Amber, Figure 4 and 5: Harry, Figure 6: Erin, Figure 7: Jamie, Figure 8: Xiang)

April 30, 2020

pseudo-nectaries! (Figure 1: Xiang, Figure 2: Amber, Figure 3: Jarrett, Figure 4: Harry, Figure 5: Rachel, Figure 6: Erin)

April 23, 2020

nitrogen and tillering in rice (Figure1: Amber; Figure2: Erin; Figure3: Jarrett; Figure4: Harry)

April 16, 2020

cytokinin regulates maize leaf development (Figure1: Jamie; Figure2: Joe; Figure3: Jarrett; Figure4: Harry)

April 9, 2020

Peptide signaling for drought-induced tomato flower drop (Figure 1: Rachel;Figure 2: Amber;Figure 3:Jarrett; Figure 4:Harry)

April 2, 2020

sex transition in persimmons (Figure 1: Jarrett; Figure 2: Erin; Figure 3: Rachel; Figure 4: Amber; Figure 5: Xiang; FIgure 6: Harry)

March 26, 2020

cell wall composition driving growth independent of turgor pressure (Figure 1: Erin; Figure 2: Amber, Figure 3: Jarrett, Figure 4: Rachel, Figure 5: Xiang)

March 5, 2020

pollen tube guidance (Figure 1: Erin; Figure 2: Rachel; Figure 3: Harry; Figure 4: Joe; Figure. 5: Jamie; Figure 6: Jarret)

February 27, 2020

ARFs in Arabidopsis

(Figure 1=Rachel, 2=Harry, 3=Jamie, 4=Joe, 5=Erin, 6=Xiang)

February 20, 2020

gene duplication and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis

Fig assignments: 1=Xiang; 2=Jamie; 3=Rachel; 4=Joe; 5=Erin; 6=Amber; 7=Jarrett; 8=Harry; 9=Madelaine

February 13, 2020

G proteins in maize (Figuire 1: Erin; Figure 2: Rachel; Figure 3: Amber; Figure 4: Jarrett; Figure. 5: Jamie; Figure 6: Joe)

January 30, 2020

ABA signaling (Figure 1: Xiang; Figure 2: Erin; Figure 3: Rachel; Figure 4: Amber)

Fall 2019

December 5, 2019

leaf development review

November 21, 2019

TTG1 evolution

November 14, 2019

meristem termination in Arabidopsis

November 7, 2019

sorghum bud suppression

October 31, 2019

sporophyte meristem regulation in moss

October 24, 2019

de novo gene evolution in rice

October 17, 2019

vascular cambium

October 10, 2019

maize vs. sorghum development

October 3, 2019

gravity response in Arabidopsis roots

September 26, 2019

anther boundary development

September 19, 2019

Hybrid decay

September 12, 2019

Wheat LG1

Spring 2019

February 28, 2019


February 14, 2019


January 17, 2019

Clint's meristem determinacy review