International Soil Moisture School

Welcome to the official website of the IEEE-GRSS International Soil Moisture School!

Soil Moisture, a key part of our environment, is an Essential Climate Variable that has impact on the global energy balance, weather and flood forecasting, drought monitoring and crop yield predictions, to name a few.  

Soil Moisture Measurements

Soil moisture is often measured with various in situ sensors on a local basis.

Because of its role in the environment, there is a strong need for connecting these measurements into a more global context. 

Soil Moisture from Space

 For this reason, many of the world's space and weather agencies have launched satellites that can perform the remote sensing estimation of soil moisture across over much larger areas.  

Space agencies from around the world have built sensors that can measure from satellites. 

The Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) missions have been available for more than a decade.   

Newer sensors such as ESA's Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and upcoming L-band NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) are also being brought on-line to estimate soil moisture at much higher resolutions.

The School

On this website you will find the means and information to find resources to learn about measuring soil moisture, including finding a form to sign up for the next ISMS to be held in Budapest, Hungary July 14 - 17, 2024.


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (IEEE-GRSS) is proud to sponsor the International Soil Moisture School (ISMS) as a means of connecting students, young professionals, and end-users to the technology and applications that surround the remote sensing of soil moisture.