6th Fabos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning

2019 Conference Theme

Urban Greenway Planning: Adapting to Expanding and Contracting Cities

The theme for the 2019 conference explores the social and ecological potential of linear green spaces in urban areas that are experiencing decline or those that are booming. We look to understand the variety of ways in which urban greenways are conceived, designed, built, used, and maintained in cities across the globe in response to economic and demographic trends.

The 2019 conference will feature over 100 presentations from practitioners and scholars from all around the world.

Our 4 fantastic keynote speakers will share their insights into greenway planning, drawing on years of experience working on projects across the world.

Conference Program (updated March 24)


Topic Areas:

1) Cultural and/or Historical Landscapes

2) Wildlife Habitat

3) Human Health and Well-Being

4) Recreation

5) Urban Waterfronts

6) Expanding and Contracting Cities

7) Equity and Access

8) Climate Change and Resilience

9) Implementation and Governance

Announcing our 2019 Keynote Speakers:

Luis Ribeiro graduated in Landscape Architecture from Lisbon University and developed his Ph. D. at UMASS-Amherst under the guidance of Julius Fábos. For the last 30 years he has been teaching, researching and practicing landscape architecture both at Lisbon University and TOPIARIS Design Office. Founding partner of TOPIARIS (1988), based in Lisbon, he has coordinated large scale projects in different geographical contexts. He is an expert in historical garden restoration and has coordinated many relevant projects. Under his coordination, TOPIARIS’s projects have received awards, including the TAGUS LINEAR PARK (ARCHMARATHON 2016 Landscape Award, WAN award Landscape 2016, American Architecture Prize – Bronze medal, 2016). Currently his focus is on coordinating and collaborating in greenway planning, design projects as well as their construction and management. Publishes in several journals in Europe, USA, Asia, mainly in China.Member the Portuguese Association of Landscape Architects and co-founder of the Portuguese Greenways Association. He joined by invitation the National Academy of Fine Arts.
Nancy Rottle, PLA, FASLA, is a Professor at the University of Washington where she has served on the Landscape Architecture faculty since 2001 and is the founding director of the UW Green Futures Research and Design Lab. A licensed landscape architect, over her 30+ years of professional experience Nancy has designed and led numerous projects, winning local and national awards including ASLA Honor Awards for Open Space Seattle 2100 and the Central Puget Sound Regional Open Space Strategy.
Nancy lectures globally, and for the past decade has led annual study tours to Scandinavia to investigate innovative and responsive urban design practices implemented there. She was a 2009 recipient of a Senior Scholar Fulbright Fellowship to New Zealand where she pursued studies on urban green infrastructure. She is the co-author of Basics Landscape Architecture: Ecological Design (AVA Press 2011), vice-chair of the edited volume, Green Infrastructure Implementation (Water Environment Federation 2014) and is working on a book on artful design for managing stormwater.
Graduated Landscape Architect, head of Department of Garden Art, Dean of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism Budapest, Szent István University. He is a researcher, teacher, guest professor and active landscape designer, with international design experience, having his own office (Lépték Terv) since 2000 in Budapest, Hungary and since 2007 the AB PLAN in Romania. He has worked in Germany, Holland and Spain and has had more than 50 realized landscape and open space design projects. He is member of the steering committee of the Hungarian Association of Landscape Architects. Being the leader of several research projects in the last 10 years, he has a rich scientific experience as well. He was awarded, among others, in 16 design competitions, and he won several national and international awards, for instance the "Landscape Architect of the Year” prizes in Hungary in 2012 and 2017, and the "Europa Nostra Prize of Cultural Heritage” in 2014.

Joan Iverson Nassauer, FCELA, FASLA, is Professor of Landscape Architecture in the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. She was named Distinguished Practitioner of Landscape Ecology in the US (1998), and Distinguished Scholar by the International Association of Landscape Ecology (2007). The author of more than 100 refereed papers, books and book chapters, she has experimented with ecological design of human-dominated landscapes to build knowledge about their cultural sustainability. Her teaching and research have employed science to address metropolitan and agricultural landscapes – ranging from continental scale implications of agricultural practices to neighborhood scale implications of green stormwater infrastructure.
In her work advocating for research as integral to landscape architecture practice, she has served as Co-Editor-in-Chief of Landscape and Urban Planning since 2014, leading it to become the world’s top-ranked refereed journal in urban studies and planning. She was a founding member of the NSF National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center in Annapolis, where she served as Director of Social Science Innovation. In her role as inaugural Secretary of the National Academy of Environmental Design, 2009-2012, she advocated for design research to engage with the National ScienceFoundation, National Institutes of Health, and other federal funders of science. In each context, she has been committed to advancing landscape architecture’s role in generating and using credible evidence to inspire design.

Approaching Deadlines

Early-bird registration ends - March 15th

Full paper revisions - March 8th



Full Article Guidelines


Oral Presentation Guidelines


Poster Guidelines

Organizing Institutions: