
Google Scholar page: here

Working Papers

R. Rahman and C. Rojas, 2024. The Effect of Singapore's Sugar-Sweetened-Beverage Advertising Ban on Product Entry. Under review.

C. Rojas, T. Jaenicke and E. Page. “Shrinkflation? Quantifying the Impact of Changes in Package Size on Food Inflation.” Under review.

C. Rojas, A. Espín, T. Jaenicke and E. Paige. 2024. “Food manufacturers’ compliance with the FDA’s trans fat ban: evidence from scanner data.” R&R Agricultural Economics.

C. Rojas. and E. Cengiz. 2024How effective are voluntary agreements to offer healthier products? Evidence from sodium content.R&R IJIO. 

Published Papers

A. Espín and C. Rojas. 2024. “Bridging the Digital Divide in the US”. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 93.

E. Cengiz and C. Rojas. 2024. “Are Food manufacturers Reducing Sugar Content? Evidence from Scanner Data.” Forthcoming, Agribusiness.

E. Cengiz and C. Rojas. 2024. “Has Product Reformulation Fueled Reductions in Sodium Intake? Evidence from Scanner Data.” Forthcoming, Food Policy, 122.

Rezvani, E. and C. Rojas. 2022Firm Responsiveness to Consumers’ Reviews:  The Effect on Online Reputation”. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 31(4), 898-922.

Koh, Jung and C. Rojas. 2022. “Multi-Unit Ownership and Market Power: A Study of the Texas Hotel Industry.” Managerial and Decision Economics, 43(8), 4087-4105.

A. Espin and C. Rojas. 2021. "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Use of Remote Meeting Technologies." Economics Bulletin, 41, 3, 1533-1565.

C. Rojas and E. Wang. 2021. “The Effects of Excise Soda Taxes on Consumption: Evidence from Washington State and the City of Berkeley.” Economic Inquiry, 59: 95-118.

E. Rezvani and C. Rojas. 2020. “Spatial price competition in the Manhattan Hotel Market: The Role of Location, Quality, and Online Reputation,” Managerial and Decision Economics, 41:49-63.

C. Rojas and A. Briceño. 2019. “The Effects of Piracy on Competition: Evidence from Subscription TV,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 63: 18-43.

H. Wei and C. Rojas. 2018. “Spillover Mechanisms in the WIC Infant Formula Program,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, December, p. 1-14.

C. Rojas. 2017. “How Much is an Incoming Message Worth? Estimating the Call Externality,” Information Economics and Policy, 38, 23-37.

E. Wang, C. Rojas and F. Colantuoni. 2017. “Heterogeneous behavior, obesity and storability in soft drink consumption: A dynamic demand model,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99(1), 18-33.

C. Bauner, N. Lavoie and C. Rojas. 2017. “Effects of Technological Change on Vertical Product Differentiation in the Presence of Buyer and Seller Market Power,” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 44(1), 67-97.

C. Rojas. 2015. “The Welfare Effects of Banning Off-net/On-net Price Differentials in the Mobile Sector,” Telecommunications Policy, 39, 590-607.

E. Wang, C. Rojas and C. Bauner. 2015 “Evolution of Nutritional Quality in the U.S.: Evidence from the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry,” Economics Letters, 133, 105-8.

F. Colantuoni and C. Rojas. 2015. “The Impact of Soda Sales Taxes on Consumption: Evidence from Scanner Data,” Contemporary Economic Policy, 33, 714-30.

D. Huang and C. Rojas. 2014. “Eliminating the Outside Good Bias in Logit Models of Demand with Aggregate Data”, Review of Marketing Science, 12, 1-36.

D. Huang and C. Rojas. 2013. “The Outside Good Bias in Logit Models of Demand with Aggregate Data.” Economics Bulletin, 33, 1.

L. Baraldi and C. Rojas. 2012. “Cost Pass-Through with Network Externalities.”  International Journal of Business & Economics, 10, 3, 177-99.

C. Rojas, N. Lavoie and S. Wang.  2012. “Buyer Market Power and Vertically Differentiated Retailers.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, 10 (1). DOI: 10.1515/1542-0485.1338

Eckel, P. Grossman, K. Johnson, A. de Oliveira, C. Rojas and R. Wilson. 2012 “On the Development of Risk Preferences: Experimental Evidence.” Journal of Risk & Uncertainty, 45, 265-92.

C. Rojas. 2012. “The Effect of Mandated Exclusive Territories in the US Brewing Industry.”  B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 12 (1). DOI: 10.1515/1935-1682.3088

C. Rojas. 2012. The Role of Information and Monitoring on Collusion. RAND Journal of Economics, 43, 78-109.

C. Rojas and T. Shi. 2011. “Tax Incidence when Quality Matters: Evidence from the Beer Market,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, 9, 1-33. DOI: 10.2202/1542-0485.1353

C. Eckel, P. Grossman, K. Johnson, A. de Oliveira, C. Rojas and R. Wilson. 2011. “Social Norms of Sharing in High School: Teen Student Giving in the Dictator Game.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 80, 603-12.

C. Rojas, 2010. “Market Power and the Lerner Index: A Classroom Experiment.” Journal of Industrial Organization Education. 5(1), 1-19.

C. Dave, C. Eckel, C. Johnson and C. Rojas, 2010. “Eliciting Risk Preferences: When is Simple Better?” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 41, 219-43.

C. Rojas. 2008. “Price Competition in U.S. Brewing.” Journal of Industrial Economics, 56, 1-31 [lead article]

C. Rojas and E. Peterson. 2008. “Demand for Differentiated Products: Price and Advertising Evidence from the U.S. beer Market.” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 26, 288-307.

D. Huang, C. Rojas and F. Bass. 2008. “What Happens when Demand is Estimated with a Misspecified Model?” Journal of Industrial Economics, 56, 809-39.

C. Rojas, A. Andino and W. Purcell. 2008 “Retailers’ Response to Wholesale Price Changes: New Evidence from Scanner-Based Quantity-Weighted Beef Prices.”Agribusiness: An International Journal, 24, 1-15 [lead article]

A. Basuchoudhary, C. Metcalf, K. Pommerenke, D. Reiley, C. Rojas, M. Rostek and J. Stodder. 2008. “Price Discrimination and Resale: A Classroom Experiment.” Journal of Economic Education, 40, 229-44.

C. Eckel, K. Johnson, C. Montmarquette and C. Rojas. 2007. “Debt Aversion and the Demand for Loans for Post-Secondary Education.” Public Finance Review, 35, 233-62.

S. Ball, C. Eckel and C. Rojas. 2006. “Technology Improves Learning in Large Principles of Economics Classes: Using our WITS.” American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), 96, 442-6.

Inactive WP

Koh, Jung and C. Rojas. 2022. “Multimarket Contact, Pricing, and Franchising: A Study of the Hotel Industry in Texas.” [inactive - email me for draft]

E. Cengiz, C. Rojas and E. Wang. 2019. “The Evolution of Diet Quality in the U.S.: Evidence from Scanner Data” [inactive - email me for draft]

C. Rojas. 2019. “Cyclical Tacit Collusion in the Hotel Industry.” [inactive - email me for draft]

Computer Code Available for Download

Matlab Program to Run the Epps-Singleton Two-Sample Test of Equality of Distributions.

Acknowledgement: I thank Dr. Carlos López-Vázquez for identifying a missing negative sign in one of the formulas which did not replicate E-S results exactly. The Matlab code (es.m and numerical_example.m below) has now been updated with this fix. In addition, Dr. López-Vázquez has produced a more generic code that can deal with substantially larger samples using as input a frequency table (rather than the sample itself). This code is provided below (es_FT.m).

Description of Matlab files and how to run the test (Word File)

Matlab m-file that reproduces Epps-Singleton (1986) results (numerical_example.m

Matlab m-file that runs the Epps-Singleton (1986) test, calculates p-value, and critical values (es.m)

New: Matlab code generated by Dr. López-Vázquez (es_FT.m). Contact: