For Goessmann Room scheduling, scroll down
(left side is a list view, right side shows whole month)
ChemEng Calendar &
Goessmann Room Scheduling Views
University of Massachusetts
686 North Pleasant Street
159 Goessmann Laboratory
Amherst, MA 01003-9303
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Original Room Reservation Page (ChE)
(See below for a more visual interface)
CHE Internal Resources Page
Graduate School
Acad. Calendar
Goessmann Conference Rooms
Goessmann 154C Calendar
Goessmann 157C Calendar
Goessmann 259C Calendar
Goessmann Teaching Rooms
Goessmann 055 Calendar
Goessmann 261 Calendar
LGRT 201 -- email Tami
Need help? email Amity
Chemical Engineering events
College of Engineering Google Calendars, including Chemical Engineering
(week starts on Monday)
Conference Room - Goessmann 157C Calendar (15 capacity) -- click to add to your google calendar & schedule the room
Conference Room - Goessmann 259C Calendar (15 capacity) -- click to add to your google calendar & schedule the room
Small Conference Room - Goessmann 154C Calendar (10 capacity) -- click to add to your google calendar & schedule the room
Classroom - Goessmann 055 Calendar (25 capacity) -- click to add to your google calendar & schedule the room -- NOTE this room is for teaching, and requires that we request you a key in advance!!! We do not have keys in the main office for this room.
Classroom - Goessmann 261 Calendar (20 capacity) -- click to add room to your google calendar & schedule the room