Workshop on Low-Quality Visual Data 

for Computer Vision and Media

held in conjunction with 

ACM Multimedia Asia 2023, Tainan, Taiwan (6-8 December 2023)

Hybrid Session via Zoom: (psswrd: mmasia2023)

The LQVD Workshop 2023

Recent years have seen numerous breakthrough advancements in computer vision and image processing along with the explosive growth of visual data. However, most of the significant progress has been built upon high-quality data. Even so, a large amount of visual media content is in fact low-quality, either from the moment it is acquired from the environment (nighttime, haze, rain), when it is transmitted (information loss), or until when it is compressed for storage (ringing artifact). Therefore, research and development related to low-quality visual data have been on an uptrend in both academia and industry to come up with innovative solutions that would eventually benefit various applications.

This workshop is held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia Asia 2023 @ Tainan, Taiwan with a focus on low-quality visual data as it is a prevalent problem in various multimedia and vision applications. Despite substantial breakthroughs in the previous decade, there is still more to be accomplished to bridge the gap between existing state-of-the-arts with practical challenges in the form of low visual data quality.

The main goal of this workshop is to encourage researchers from academia and industry to come together and share the visual data problems encountered and discuss potential solutions. It is our hope that this workshop will serve as a platform to push forward the research into the next phase of advancement in vision technology.

Join us in the LQVD Workshop!

The scope, submission instructions, and important deadlines.

The half-day workshop program.

Information on the invited speakers and topics.

The Team behind this.