
T2 Overview 22-23 P1-3.pdf

Autumn term 2022 Overview of Learning

Outdoor Learning this week looked at giving instructions and keeping each other safe. The children also discovered a toad and learnt about safely handling amphibians.

Outdoor Learning started again with Coigach and Assynt Living Landscapes. This will be a weekly feature of the pupil's learning.

This week the P1-4 split into groups. Group rules were set and you could only speak if you had the owl.

It was midgey in the woods

Thanks to Assynt resilience group for the Midge hoods

We talked about feelings

The pupils acted out the emotions

A good example of calm

Even in the woods hygiene comes first!

Fiona explained the treasure hunt

Enjoying exploring

At times the midges were challenging, but thanks to Assynt resilience group we know have midge hoods

The treasure hunt led the children to the White Shore

The P1-4 class visited Glen Canisp to talk to volunteers

The potters Kiln was huge

There is an honesty shop that is popular with walkers

Lewis showed them the meat locker

The class had the opportunity to plant some seeds with Patrick