Latest News

Important Updates

If changes are necessary (e.g. pitches out of action, or changes to cap rules in bad weather) we will also communicate them via the twitter account @UKUltimateEvent or you can pass by the TD desk regularly for any updates.

16th July

We hope that you all had a great weekend! Thanks to everyone that came.

Full final standings can be found on the online schedule. Ranking points, spirit results and lost property information can all be found on the full announcement HERE.

We look forward to seeing you at the next event soon!

12th July

Don't forget to make sure that your team rosters up to date for the event this weekend on the GoMembership website! Not sure how to do this? Email

8th July

The schedule for the weekend is now CONFIRMED. There haven't been any changes but just to be sure, please double check it to make sure that you know your team's start time.

Also, don't forget to go by the TD desk on arrival to pick up your team's disc for the weekend and to receive any updates. We look forward to seeing you there!

5th July

The DRAFT schedule is now available to view. As usual, please DO NOT make any concrete travel plans based on these schedules yet as it's possible that they may change but do have a look at them to ensure that there aren't any issues.

If you see anything that might need amending, please email .

We hope to confirm the schedule early next week!

14th June

The full list of confirmed teams has now been published. See the full announcement HERE.