Call for papers

September 19-20, 2024, Castelló de la Plana (Spain)

In an era marked by major demographic changes and rapid technological advances, this call seeks contributions that explore the intersection between population decline, the economics of automation, and the quest for sustainability, with a particular focus on Europe. We invite papers that address how demographic changes, especially depopulation in particular regions, impact economic and policy decisions.


Issues of special interest (but not restricted) are:

This meeting is a Càtedra AVANT supported event, which could lead to possible publications on related special issues in different journals.

Paper Submission 

The papers should be submitted in PDF format to Càtedra AVANT email:

Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the communication at the conference if it is accepted.

Each presentation will last 20 minutes and will be followed by 10 minutes of general discussion. 


Manuscripts must be written in EnglishGiven the international nature of the Workshop, all presentations should be in English


The registration fee is 90€ and covers the expenses of coffee breaks, lunches, dinners, and hotel room for up to two nights. Attendants should cover their travel expenses to reach the University.

Cancellation Policy

No refunds of the registration fees will be given for cancellation requests.

There will be no refund for no-shows.

The conference organizers do not take responsibility for force majeure reasons for the cancellation of the event (natural disaster, outbreak of severe contagious epidemic preventing the organizers from running the event, major strikes, war, etc.). In such cases, Càtedra AVANT will decide upon refunding of paid conference fees.