Photochemistry Research Group 

Universitat Jaume I (Castellon, Spain)

Research lines

Fluorescent probes for cell imaging

Given the critical role of mitochondria in numerous pathological conditions such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, and senescence, the ability to visualize and understand their biochemistry through fluorescence tools holds immense potential in advancing our comprehension of these diseases.


We are currently engaged in development of several molecules, with minimalistic design, to precisely target specific organelles within living cells. Our current focus lies in establishing robust structure-property relationships to create a comprehensive range of dyes capable of effectively tagging various organelles of interest, especially the mitochondria. Of particular interest to us is the development of cationic lipophilic structures, specifically those based on pyrylium and pyridinium cations.

Chemical sensors for oxidative stress

Elevated production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS, respectively) has been identified as the hallmark of many pathological processes. Chronic inflammation, which is linked to abnormal production of ROS/RNS. This process is unequivocally associated with the pathogenesis of various diseases, including cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, cancer, and neurodegeneration. Understanding the mechanisms underlying inflammation is essential for developing effective therapeutic interventions and preventive strategies.

Currently, we are focused on the development of molecular and nanometric fluorescent sensors for the identification and quantification of ROS/RNS. Our background in nitric oxide (NO) detection has led us to intensify our focus on this species, particularly its production in the mitochondria of living cells.

Antimicrobial materials activated by light

The World Health Organization has issued warnings regarding the emergence of superbugs, microbial pathogens resistant to conventional treatments. This poses a significant threat, particularly in healthcare settings, where nosocomial infections have been increasingly prevalent in recent years, resulting in substantial economic burdens. Transmission can occur through contact with various contaminated surfaces, ranging from doorknobs and mobile phones to catheters or professional clothing.


To mitigate the spread of pathogenic organisms, we are developing polymeric materials capable of eliminating bacteria and fungi upon light activation. Our focus lies in investigating polymeric hydrogels with sustained efficacy post-illumination, as current photosensitive materials typically exhibit activity only during light exposure.