

Dealing with Econometrics: Real World Cases with Cross-Sectional Data (2022) with Ripollés, J., and Alguacil, M., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK.

Trade, Development and Structural Change. Central and Eastern Europe (2018), with Voicu, A.M. and Sen, S. ISBN: 978-349-59005-6. Studies in Economic Transition, Palgrave Mcmillan.

Economía Internacional. Cuestiones Prácticas (2002), with Bengochea Morancho, A., Camarero Olivas, M., Cantavella Jordá, M.  ISBN: 84-205-3518-4. Ed. Pearson, Madrid.

Selected Book Chapters 

Martínez-Zarzoso, I., Baghdadi, L. and Kruse, H.W. (2018), “Is Tunisian Trade Policy Pro-Poor? In Trade and Poverty Reduction: New Evidence of Impacts in Developing Countries”. Joint publication by the World Bank Group and the World Trade Organization, Geneva, 18-35.

Martínez-Zarzoso, I. (2018), “Eastern Partnership Countries” in Handbook of International Trade Agreements: Country, Regional and Global Approaches. Looney, R. (Eds). Rutledge International Handbooks, Taylor & Francis Group.

Johannsen, F. and Martínez-Zarzoso, I. (2017), "Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade: Evidence from Monthly Trade Data" in Globalization: Strategies and Effects. Christensen, B. J. and C. Kowalczyk (Eds), Springer volume.

Bahgdadi, L., Martínez-Zarzoso, I. and Kruse, H. (2016), “Trade Policy without Trade Facilitation: Tariff Pass-Through in Tunisia” in Trade Cost and Inclusive Growth, World Trade Organization, Geneva, 83-114.

Martinez-Zarzoso, I. and Grunewald, N. (2016), “Green Growth in Mexico, Brazil and Chile: Policy Strategies and Future Prospects” in Handbook of Research in Green Economic Development Initiatives and Strategies. Erdogdu, M., Arun, T. and Ahmad, I.H. (Eds). IGI Global, Pennsylvania (USA).

Martínez-Zarzoso, I. (2015), “The Trade Effects of Foreign Aid - An Empirical Perspective” in Handbook of the Economics of Foreign Aid. Arvin, M. and Lew. B. (Eds), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 9781783474578.

Martínez-Zarzoso, I. (2015), “Economics of Labour Standards in FTAs: Prospects for the TTIP”, Chapter 8 in  The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Negotiations between the EU and the USA, Korana, S. ( Eds.), CIDOB, Barcelona.