Call for Papers

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Entertainment Science and Technology

  • High Performance Computing

  • Intelligent Robotics

  • Knowledge Management

  • Security and Networks

  • Software Engineering

  • Theoretical Computer Science

  • Sustainable Computing

Important Dates

Abstract Submission 1 October 2020 15 Oktober 2020

Notification of Acceptance 1 November 2020

Workshop 1 - 3 December 2020

Submission Guidelines

An abstract of a maximum of 300 words should be submitted for review. We encourage you to send an informative abstract (complete abstract) which is a summary of a paper’s substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion. Abstracts should be written in English.

Accepted abstract will be invited to present in the workshop and will be offered to publish in an open access journal - Asia Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia (APJITM), Malaysian Journal of Computing (MJoC) or ESTEEM Academic Journal. APJITM is indexed by Waset, Eprint, Research Gate, Google Scholar, World academic union, EBSCO HOST connection and IEEE Xplore Digital Library; MJoC is indexed by MyJurnal, Google Scholar, and ASIAN Digital Library. and ESTEEM Academic Journal is indexed by MyCITE, Google Scholar, WorldCat and EBSCO HOST.

Please download the following template to submit your abstract.
Submit your abstract here. In the event that you are unable to fill up the form please email the secretariat at

AWIST2020 abstract template.docx