Become a Sponsor

Become a Sponsor:

Gain valuable exposure for your brand and help us ensure the success of our Fifth Annual Conference by becoming a sponsor!

Want to build valuable connections with Indigenous and Indigenous-serving educators, youth, elders, community members, and organizations and reinforce your commitment to advancing urban Native communities? Become a sponsor for the 5th Annual Conference! We appreciate your support and participation more than ever to ensure a highly valuable and successful conference experience for all.

Have any questions or seeking other options? Please contact Jennifer Michals at

Current Conference Sponsors:

We rely on our volunteers, sponsors and fundraising to make all that we do possible. A huge thank you to the following sponsors for making this year's conference possible. With your support and participation, we are able to create a virtual learning opportunity to increase awareness of urban Native American educational issues, share ideas and knowledge, create community and support the mission of the CAICC Education Committee. We appreciate your ongoing, generous support!